Only let that which is divine, into your secred throne room,
into the portals of your mind, into the recesses of your feeling world, and
into every cell and part of your body. Your total being is your secred throne
room, and should never be allowed to be desicrated by anything that is outside
the intent and will of God. This secred being that you are, was originally
created to express and project the pure intent and will of pure God, and never
should have been allowed to descend into the density of this physical world.
Your total non-physical being, which is 75% of your total
being, was created in the pure image of God, and your physical body is the
house or home that was created to contain this pure God, and to act as a
vehicle to express pure God into the world of form. When we all fell into the
density of this physical world, we allowed our bodies, 25% of our total being,
to lead our non-physical being, which in turn made us into human or natural
beings, instead of the spiritual or supernatural beings that we were originally
created to be.
Our return to our divinity is a spiritual path of light,
back into these´s spiritual beings that we were originally made to be. In the
physical world, most people are asleep, and kept in this state of existance by
the human ego, who does not want to be identified or recognized as the
hypnotist, holding people in this state of sleep or in the dream state of
existance. To identify the ego, is the beginning of the death of the ego, which
the ego fears more than anything else. In truth, the ego does not trully exist,
we all created this human ego, so that we could function outside the will of
God, in this physical world of form, without God or outside of the will of God.
We have given life to this thing called the human ego, by directing our God
given energy to support the ego, in our quest to exist and function without
The human ego uses the old shell game to mezmerize us, while
we are all trying to figure all things out in the physical realm, without the
recognition and support the the non-physical realm. The ego claims that we can
fuction in the physical world on our own, without God, and is working hard to
prove that claim. Even though the human ego does not truly exist, it has taken
on a life and identity of it´s own, using the power or energy that we are
willing to give it, in our quest to function outside the will of God. One
correct decision to return to God and our rightful state of existance, can
change everything for the better.
Disaster, trials and tribulations do often remind us of our
folly, but we also choose to accept trouble and suffering, as a normal part of
physical life, that we all cannot do anything about. We have chosen to accept
and be content with the less, so the more of God remains a mystery to us. We
somehow have bought the idea from the ego, that God wants us to live like this.
If the ego cannot keep us away from the concept of God, the ego will try and
distort our concept of God, and keep us trapped in this miss-qualification of
pure energy. We are true spiritual beings, and we can come back to this high
state of existance, whenever we get tired of going around in circles, and
become willing to change, back into our original state.
Our inner throneroom patiently awaits our willingness to
recognize the divine, and give the divine a rightful place in our life and
world. God will commune with us in our throneroom, whenever we ask, in
sincerity and surrender. The ego can not play a role in this process of
returning to our divine source. We must become willing to let the ego and the
natural world go, or become insignificant in our lives and world. We must
become willing to allow our inner God Presence to have dominion over our life
and world. We can then meet our divine self in our secred throne room in the
recesses of our hearts and minds, of which we can experience and feel.
This will put our lives back on track and nothing will be
impossible to us….
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