Wednesday, January 8, 2014



The rays of light are made for you, to guide you, to keep you, to enfold
you in Gods care, and to help you to raise in consciousness, to take
you into eternity and the absence of time and space, into the unity of
all life. Within the rays of God is God consciousness, self-awareness,
a spiritual sense of identity and true eternal life.

The Great Central Sun is the centralized presence of the reality and
the wholeness of God in its most pure form of the essence of God. This
pure form of God seeks to expand itself into greater numbers of self
aware beings, but always maintaining the integrity of the whole. The
rays of God always maintain the integrity, within the cooperation of
free will, in self aware beings.

Expansion comes in stages of development called universes. In the
beginning these universes are created by higher beings, very rudimentary
and eventually expand into the fullness of the God Head. This takes much
time of development and expansion over many eons of time. This expansion
is continuous and continually regenerates itself into new life and new
life forms.

All self aware beings in the network of God are an individual spoke in
the wheels of life, forever expanding into greater expressions of life.
Working in harmony is the essence of self-sustainment and expansion
into greater and greater life. Love and unity is the cohesive presence
and power that holds it all together. Love and unity must be present to
expand life into new growth. It is essential that all self aware beings
operate in the fullness of love and unity to ensure the self
sustainment of all life forever.

The rays of God are the building blocks for all life. In the rays of God
is the very essence of life itself. To consciously direct the rays is to
direct all life. In the rays of God is the life, this life wishes to
express itself into new self aware beings and into new life forms.
However life will not impose itself on these self-aware beings, because
All higher beings of love have respect for all life, and their individual choices.

To become a self aware being is a great honor in the Kingdom of God,
and sets one on the path to full God consciousness. It is with great
detailed consideration that a being is considered for self awareness.
Along with this self awareness comes the responsibility for the right
use of God energy to expand in the Kingdom of God forever, without
limitation of any kind.

Free will is a gift of God to all self-aware beings. This gift of free
will allows the self aware being to eventually attain God consciousness
or to become God, in all love, wisdom and power. Love, wisdom and power
are facets of God, that are contained in the rays of God. The rays of
God embodied inside all self aware beings contain all that is needed
for self sustaining life, forever.

As a self aware being, God has given you the tools within you to become
full God awareness and full God consciousness. Your ability to access
this wisdom and knowledge within you will determine your success in
attaining God consciousness. True knowledge is the destination of all
faith. If you persistently seek, unwaveringly, you will always find.

The self-aware beings on planet earth have fallen from there original
state of God consciousness and are no longer aware of the God
consciousness within them, that is there to bless them abundantly, in
all areas and situations of life. This is called falling into the
ignorance of not knowing, you do not, because you know not. When you
know, than you will be very glad to do.

So then knowledge is the key to accessing your God consciousness that
is always there within you. This key of knowledge will unlock the door
to this God consciousness within you. You must ask for this key of
knowledge to be given to you, to unlock the door. Free will is the
important inner action to release this knowledge within the self aware
being. You need to ask for it to be released to you.

Now that the door is unlocked, the door must now be opened. This step
takes action by the self aware being, supporting the previous decision
to obtain the knowledge. To desire the knowledge is the first step of
faith, and now the action of opening the door is the second step of
faith, in opening the door. This second step of faith could be as
simple as getting yourself quiet in a place of non distraction, and
expecting to receive, to maybe getting a pen and some paper, or to
sitting down at a computer. It is an action that you would take, to
make it possible for you to receive your request or demand from your
inner God consciousness. The third part of revealing the truth about
any thing or any situation, is done by your inner God consciousness.

This inner God consciousness never fails, it always responds
immediately from the inner laws of God. When you, as a self conscious
being, line yourself up with these universal laws of God, the answer is
always swift and sure to come to you. Your part is to line up with the
laws of God, and Gods part is to deliver the truth that will bring
the reality into your life and world. The laws of God are very simple, but must
be understood, to be incorporated into life.

The rays of God contain the consciousness of God and are ever present
within you. If you could see the rays of God about you, you would see
the most beautiful array of colors that your eyes have ever beheld.
Because of the density that you are presently in, you are unable to
see these colors, but you eventually will behold their beauty and
majesty, as you attain more of this inner God consciousness into your
own being.

The process of returning to your roots, pure God, is very simple, but
needs to be thoroughly understood in order to thoroughly succeed in
spiritual things. You are now ready for some new steps in development.
The closer you get to your God consciousness within, the more grand will
be your progress in attaining more God consciousness. Always remember that
spiritual development is really a returning to your original roots. It
is supernaturally natural to return to your roots, as you were once very
familiar with the consciousness of God, and so returning is really a
remembering of what you once knew so well.

More important then understanding the technology behind the rays of God,
is to understand how to incorporate these qualities into your own life
and world. This is done by replacing the inharmony, the dissatisfaction
and lack with the natural flow of the abundance of God. In this process
you must come to understand that the lower thoughts, feelings and
actions which you are using God energy to express, are not what you
want, what you really want is the higher qualified energies of God.

Then you must be willing to let go of the lower energies, and to replace
them with the higher energies of God. It is simply your own choice that
determines what you will experience on earth. For many lifetimes you
have accepted the lower energies into your world, and you are now
experiencing the effects of this cause of action that you have set in
motion in your life and world. You have become very attached and addicted
to many of these lower energies, and you must become willing to let them
go, for there is no power on high, who will force you against your own
will. However with your cooperation, there is no limit to your own
attainment in the consciousness of God, that is within you.

So you are the one that sets the speed of your own development, you can
not blame anyone or anything else for your present state of existence.
You have created these limitations in many lifetimes of embodiment on
earth, but it all can be uncreated at any time, when you are ready to
let it go forever. Not just let it go for a time, but to be willing to
let it go forever. These lower energies have only caused you heart ache
and pain, have deceived you into thinking that they were helping you in
some way, when in actual fact they were destroying you piece by piece.
You must understand this, in order to be forever free from it.

You would not purposely harm yourself, if you were clearly aware that
you were, in fact, harming yourself. The problem has been, that you were
unaware that you were harming yourself. Now that you have become aware,
you can do something about it. Your thought, feeling and action, will
either keep you bound, or it will free you, the choice is always yours.
Change your thought, feeling and action, and you will change your life.
Change your life, and you will change your world forever.

Living for better or for worse, is your own choice.

Please choose life and living for the better only ?   

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