Sunday, January 12, 2014



2012 is cited by the spiritual realm as a very special year in the history of planet earth. It is the beginning of a new Cosmic Cycle in the progress of mankind, and many new blessings that has not ever before, been seen on earth, are unfolding. This will be a great opportunity for the people of earth to advance greatly in their spiritual growth, and will find it easier to expand into the Kingdom of Light. Things that were previously very difficult to attain, will now become much easier to master. Many problems that have been nagging and have been very difficult to overcome, will now become a much easier process, while expending less of an effort. Things in life that you do not want, that have been like a brick wall of obstruction to you, will now give way, and will surprise you at how easy they will be dismantled before your eyes. Things that were very hard to break through, will become much easier for you to walk through it. It will feel like a new world has developed around you and this will all work for the good of all.

New energy will be released from the Kingdom of God, that has here to for, never been seen by human beings or Planet Earth. New, will be the sign of the time, new love, new wisdom, and new power. New freedom will be felt and experienced by all; people will find new experiences and new ways of doing things. Answers to age old problems will fill the mind and emotions, new thoughts, new feelings and new actions, will be experienced by all, and new relationships will be established in very unusual ways. The new energy will be felt by all, and will open up a new world, never before experienced on earth by human beings. Thinking will be much clearer, emotions much more understandable and actions much more under control of the individual’s soul.

An awakening will take place with the release of new energy, and many souls will become unsatisfied with the ways of the past, and desire change. Big change will now be the way of the world. New ideas on how to do things will be a norm, new discoveries, new inventions will become plentiful. New, New, New are the key worlds for the world and all the souls on it.

If people will respond to this new energy in a positive way, it will take them into a higher form of existence and a higher quality of life. A new power will flow into the hands of the believers and receivers, and they will discover this new power and begin to use it in their life and world. Struggles of the past will begin to unravel; new light will come in and change many negative situations into positive ones. Enlightenment will come from within and illumine situations, circumstances and directions, in a way, never before experienced in this physical world of existence. This will take place on a mass scale and multitudes of people will move to a higher level of their spiritual path. As this new energy is received and utilized, it will create even more Divine energy to enhance all life.

If people respond in a negative way, the way of gossip, criticism, judgment, selfishness, anger, hatred, violence and destruction, this energy will also work for them, but if their intentions are out of the will of God, it will drive them faster and further into the density of this physical world. In other words, people will have more power at their beckoning call, but they must all choose the directions in which they want this power to go, and they will be personally responsible for their own choices. This is the downside of increasing the energy level on earth, but for the sake up the just, the upside of this new energy, it will be given to the degree, that cosmic law will allow. This will be the time to make better decisions in life.

After a down turn or adjustment of the old, prosperity for the earth will climb at startling proportions and everyone on the planet will move up higher. This will include, the prosperity of the soul, mind, emotions, body, and world of the individual soul. Financial blessing will rise over the entire earth, new ideas, concepts and directions will be given by the Divine world, that will bless all of man kind and the earth itself.  As new things come in, many of the existing things will speed up and expand at a faster rate.

Happiness and joy will increase world wide, all souls will be more prone to be happy, and make better decisions for happiness and joy. Contentment will rise, and a sense of well being will be felt all over the planet, much greater than before.

Love and unity will increase and have it´s way to a greater degree, forgiveness will be much easier to accomplish and the deceptions of the ego or natural world, will diminish in its capacity to deceive the children of God.

Personal protection will be sustained at a higher degree and the created negative karma or deeds will be understood to be forgiven and dissipated to a much greater degree. Negative created karma from the past will melt quickly in the sacred fire of Divine love

Health and life expectancy will increase. Change your minds, change your feelings, change your actions and change your world, this will become much easier to accomplish.

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