Wednesday, January 8, 2014


I Am the All Seeing Eye of God and I come to you in the deep reassuring love of Gods heart and with understanding that will help you on your Divine path of life.
Most humans with some understanding think of the All Seeing Eye of God as the eye watching you at all times. In part that is true, but there is so much more to my individual function in the worlds of God,
For example, I am your sight whether it be spiritual sight or physical sight, it is your capability to see into all things, visible and invisible, your inner sight capability as well. I Am the manifestation of all seeing capability in the physical realm, even though sight is not a physical function, it transfers to the physical world and I Am that transference. I assist you in seeing ahead in your life, ahead in your Divine path, whether sort term or long term, for your benefit and protection. Sight or the ability to see is a spiritual function that permeates into the physical world of form. Sight is light, that lights up what you are viewing so that you can distinguish between many different parts of the world of form and many different parts of the higher world of spirit or the higher vibrations. When light is sent out, the intelligence is gathered into specific understanding.
At one time in the past, your inner sight was totally spiritual and that is your original state of existence. When you fell into density, your sight divided into spiritual and non spiritual. You than began to see in duality, which was called eating of the tree of good and evil. His was allegorical and referred to your, now lower ability to see both worlds. Then everything you would view from then on would be evaluated from the perspective of good and evil, right and wrong and so on. With the concept of things possibly being bad or out of the will of God, you discovered failure for the very first time. Then you became accustomed to failure, which in fact did not really exist, however you were convinced that it was a reality. So as long as you believed that it existed, it would be so for you. And so it goes on.
In the world of God and also for you, if you make it yours, there is no possible failure in anything, there is only victory to victory and further expansion of God. In the beginning your Pineal gland was in the center of your head and it was together in unity with your pituitary gland and they worked as one to keep the body always in the perfection of God. After much time of human negativity the Pineal gland became out of balance and eventually shifted its position to become off center in your head or out of balance with Gods Kingdom. The Pineal gland then separated from the Pituitary gland and they then functioned separately from each other which interrupted the perfect union and just simply followed the human being to function outside the will of God and to experience density. Density is simply anything that is outside the will of pure God. Everything is either enlightened or it is density, there is no other possible existence.
We as ascended beings consistently work to assist human beings back into the enlightenment, perfection and balance of God as quickly as possible. We desire to accomplish this task in a short period of time, however, we are, as you know, subject to the wills of all co-creators as they are all Gods or Princes and Princesses in the making. There are two greatest gifts that God has given to created souls and that is life itself, and the gift of free will. God will not take back the gift of life nor will He take back the gift of free will, even if it has become contaminated with illusions that are outside the will of God. Man has a choice to either qualify or miss-qualify the pure energy of God. When the energy becomes impure by choices outside of pure God, the energy becomes miss-qualified and then it must again be re-qualified to return to pure God consciousness. 
The re-qualification process must be performed by the same individual souls that created the miss-qualification, whether it be individually or collectively, whether it be personally, a group, a country or the entire world itself. The earth will absorb much negativity, but when it gets to astronomical proportions the earth must shake it off and re-balance its structure. This happens in the form of natural disasters. The negative vortexes of energy built up by human beings, must be balanced and large scale destruction happens. The people that are effected by these natural disasters are the souls that were involved in creating the miss-qualified energy in the first place. Angels ensure that innocent souls are saved when ever or where ever these disasters take place.
This is the basic process that takes place, collectively and individually. When large amounts of energy are miss-qualified on a personal level, the body needs to shake it off and this is realized in the form of sickness, disease, pain, suffering and death. It is much more important to balance the negative energy than it is to have temporary comfort, for when the negative energy is balanced in this lifetime, it will never again need to be revisited in future lives, this works together for the good of the individual person as well as for the good as a whole for all things work together for the good of the individual and for the good of the all. This is all governed by Universal law and there is no escape, what you sew, you must reap, this is the law. This law is given by the Love of God to ensure the continual expansion of the Kingdom of God, as a whole.
What happens with the individual, happens with groups, happens with countries, and with the entire world, and the entire Kingdom of God, for that matter. Negativity must be balanced and re-qualified, for the future of all of the Kingdom of God, to all eventually come into the Perfection of God and in perfect harmony and balance. Love, perfection and balance are sustainable, miss-qualified energy is not sustainable and will eventually self destruct. When it self destructs the energy will be re-qualified into pure God energy, there is no other way to the eternal sustaining of Gods Kingdom, it is that simple.
Now getting back to my function or service to life, the all seeing eye of God, it is very essential in the process of Divine life as I also provide you with awareness of what is, what can be and of what will be in the expansion of the Kingdom of God on earth. The All Seeing Eye, contains desire and vision for the future and when it is coupled with faith, it becomes a reality, that can be created by the extensions of God who choose to serve life. This is the only way to eternal salvation through the simple process of self correction. Disaster, the result of straying outside the will of God, will serve to help a self conscious being in embodiment, to become aware of its state of deficiency and then to desire the better way of life, the Divine way of life and to be saved from it’s self created illusions and to find it’s own place in the Kingdom of God forever.
You have four lower bodies within your being, the electronic body, or what is called the soul body, and is the director of your entire being and more specific to your nervous system and is consistent guidance for your mind, emotions and body. Your mind body is the conscious awareness of God and intellect, to process, think and to remember and your physical brain is simply the lower processor for desires, visions and thoughts to determine directions. Your emotional body serves as the energy in motion to accomplish desires and willed directions. Your physical body, of course is to contact the physical world of form and to be the house or container of God consciousness. 
The Pineal gland of the individual in embodiment is the spiritual receiver for the transfer of energy and information from the ascended real to the pituitary gland and then to the whole body. It can receive this energy and information directly from the sun, the direct rays of God through the forehead or through it’s individual God Presence from above, who simply acts as a step down transformer. The souls can also receive from the flames of the Seven Mighty Elohim in their forehead.
The negativity of human beings have shifted these Pineal and pituitary glands out of balance, but they can and will easily return to their original positions, in fact they are crying for perfection, for no part of Gods Kingdom wants to be out of balance for being out of balance is debilitating and difficult. This helps to see the importance of living a life of purity that will reunite the Pineal and Pituitary glands to function in true love and unity, as one in the perfect will of God. This will bring perfect wholeness, health and wellness forever. If you could see it all from our viewpoint you would not delay your perfection and homecoming any longer than absolutely necessary.
If co-creators with God, choose not to serve life, them and there house choose not to serve the Lord of Life, we simply send them our love and wait for a better time to assist them into real Divine life for the betterment of all. We have lots of time to wait, for we are eternal and time has no meaning when you understand that you live forever and that death is just a human created illusion.
Please choose life, the benefits are out of this world….

Thank you for your time

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