Wednesday, January 8, 2014



The first thing that we need to know about negativity is that it is not real; there is no reality to it. But you say it is real, because I can see it in others, in their thoughts and actions, I can think negative thoughts, I can feel them and act them out. But are you sure that your senses are real, what if your senses were not accurate, what if your senses were distorted, what if your perceptions were imperfect, what if your senses mislead you. What if the world is not the way it appears to you, what if there is more, what if the essence of it, you are not able to comprehend at this time.
What if, what you think is real, is not real at all. What if, what you think is unreal, is actually real. What if you perceive as reality, something that does not truly exist and is only a temporary human created illusion? How can you tell what is real, until you are able to get outside of what you are in, and view it from a greater perspective. There are all encompassing viewing points and there are shallow viewing points. What if our viewing points, as human beings, are shallow and inaccurate, what if we can not see things as they truly are, in reality.
If we see things wrong, then we could also perceive things wrong, and then the result of that, would be wrong or inaccurate, as well. If you start with the wrong premises or assumptions, then the answers will all be inaccurate as well. What if you believe in human created illusions of what the world is really about. What if the world was all set up to operate in perfection. What if we all lost sight of this perfection, and as a result created imperfection in our human created world of form. What if this imperfection became, what we now perceive, as negativity.
What if it would take only a decision on your part to reverse directions and to get onto the right path? What if you could change directions and head back in the direction of perfection or reality. What if you made that decision today, is it possible to view or see things differently. And if you did begin to see things differently, would that in turn, also change your life. And if your life changed for the better, would your world change for the better, as well? And if you changed, would you see differently, would you feel differently, would you talk differently, would you act differently and would this process possibly lead to more harmony and peace in your life.
Could this illusion of the existence of negativity be the cause of all stress and in-harmony in the world? Could this all be just the result of wrong choices that are made by not knowing the truth about the world around us? Could our decent into density have led us all away from the perfection that was originally intended for us to live in? Could it be possible to live in harmony with all other human beings and produce more perfection in all of our lives and worlds? Could all people on the planet live in love and unity and could this produce more enlightenment and would this enlightenment help make us into better people.
Could this perfection of living be possible, would it be worth the effort to check out, to see if there is more that we need to know about life? If we knew better, would we also do better in our life and worlds? Is it possible to do better, could we be willing to change and are we willing to change. If we change our mind, would it change our hearts, would it change our feelings, would it change how we see things or feel about things and would it change how we do things, would it change how we live life.
Could we all as human beings, have fallen from the concept of perfection and began to create imperfection in our world. Could we have all lost our higher sense of identity and fallen into a lower sense of identity just by simply doing nothing about it. If the effort of rising higher is not present, than maybe you just go lower by default, that is something to think about, if your willing to go deeper.
What if negativity doesn’t exist at all, and we just think it does out of routine, and never made the effort to do something about it. What if we were all creators like God, and we could create any kind of existence that we chose. What if we chose a fallen state of existence by just simply not knowing and not being willing to make the effort and right choices for our own best interest? What if we didn’t know what the best choices were, but were unwilling to learn more about making right decisions for ourselves and others. Would that unwillingness possibly have taken us into further density?
Is it possible to have true freedom, without free will? If you cannot choose freely, than how can you be truly free? If you were forced to choose, you would not be free; you would only be manipulated and become obedient out of fear. Fear could also be an illusion, created by human failure to follow the path of higher Divine life. We only fear what we can’t control so we usually try to control what we fear; war is caused by this perception. Manipulation and force maybe only produces rebellion and not surrender.
Could negativity maybe be stopped easier in the beginning stages, before it gains a momentum? Could we actually be in control of our thoughts and emotions but simple act as though we have no control. Can we become attached to the negative feelings and desire to re-create them over and over again. Do we sometimes look for more opportunities to express anger because we are attached to the negative feeling? Could anger or negativity satisfy a need that we have and could we become attached to that need.
Could that need be created by fear, and could that fear also be a human created illusion caused by insecurity and could insecurity also be a human created illusion. Could we actually all have the potential to be secure, but be totally unaware of it? Is it possible to actually have something that you are unaware of in your life? And when you become aware could that possibly change everything. If a son of a rich man got angry with his father and left his home, and got lost in the world, and fell into poverty, he may forget and become temporarily unaware of his birthright. But if he became willing to change, he could apologize to his father, and return to his original state of total abundance, if he was willing to drop the illusion that he created of poverty and return to his original state of abundance.
Could we perceive anger as a means of manipulation or control to get what we want, because we fear, not getting enough of what we want. Maybe lack and fear are human created illusions, maybe they don’t really exist at all, but maybe, as long as we believe they exist, they will be real to us and remain. We can just look at the world and we can see people who have made the effort and overcome, at least, some of their fears, so it would appear that fear can be transcended. If some fears could be transcended, than is it possible that all fears could be transcended.

Could anger be perceived as manipulation and control, could it be an effort of putting others down, or viewing them on a lower level, helping us to feel that we are on a higher level, but could this higher level, also be a human created illusion. Maybe it is actually in reverse and anger puts us on a lower level, when viewed from reality. Maybe we create more density when we get angry, maybe anger is actually a deception of power, but actually lowers our state of existence.
Does violence really gain anything, or are we lowering ourselves into further density that we may have to balance sometime. Do things really come around, does what goes around actually come around. Could there actually be consequences that are not perceived in the natural world. Could you reap what you sew, and not be aware of it, maybe because it takes time to return, are you forget after time goes by. Is violence a human created illusion, I don’t think we could suppose that there is violence in heaven. If there isn’t negativity in heaven, than is there a possibility that we could one day live in peace and harmony.
I don’t think that we really like negativity, but we seem to want to still choose it to be in our lives. Does negativity really feel good, does it really produce good results, or does it create more of itself. If one side of a conflict does not choose the way of restoration and peace, then retribution would keep the conflict going, as it seems. Where does love and forgiveness come into all of this, is it left behind in the wake of conflict? Maybe love and forgiveness could stop the conflict, if someone would choose it.
It seems to me that change would be part of the answer to a better life. But many people don’t like change and therefore refuse change and rebel against change. Many people even fear change in there lives; they want everything to remain the same. But could it be that if there is no change, there is no growth or expansion. If you are to learn something, it would obviously have to be something new, if you already knew it, it would not be true growth, it would seem like it would have to be new. Would new experiences be the same, so why would anyone want to stay in the old experiences, if there were new ones to experience? It seems like anything new, would bring change, if we decided to go with the new.
Is there any way out of negativity, a way out of this density that we are in, that re-creates suffering over and over again. Maybe with man it is impossible, but with God, could it maybe be possible. Maybe we, as humans, have not made the effort to look for a better world. Maybe the better world is not on the outside of us; maybe it is on the inside of us. Maybe there is more on the inside of us, than there is on the outside of us. Maybe instead of exploding, we should be imploding; maybe the non physical world within us is more valuable than we think. Maybe our real answers are actually on the inside of us. Maybe God is actually on the inside of us. Maybe God is waiting for us to desire more and to make an effort to discover the more of God.
Maybe when we discover the more of God, negativity will disappear from our lives and world and into the sea of forgetfulness forever. If that eventually happened on a large scale among people, maybe negativity would disappear from the earth forever.
Have you thought about that?

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