Wednesday, January 8, 2014



Before starting any serious meditation session, we should call on the law of Divine forgiveness to free ourselves from any thought, feeling and action, that is short of the Glory of God, and might serve to block out freedom in the light. Then we need to forgive ourselves for anything we might have thought, said or done, that disturbs us. And then we need to forgive anyone else in our lives, world or experience, that may have offended us, and send God, ourselves and others, love light and freedom.
Consciousness is made up of energy and knowledge, energy is coming into physical creation to gain more knowledge, learn to love divinely, and to become an efficient creator. All conscious beings or souls on the planet are continually searching for love, knowledge, peace, harmony, prosperity,  good health,  happiness and contentment. Can this actually be found; yes it can, in this world and in the world to come. Meditation will be a very efficient tool for achieving our goals.
Prayer is speaking to God and meditation is listening, or God speaking with us. People quite often do not receive what they are asking for in prayer, because they do not take the time to listen or to meditate to receive the answers. The answers are most often very simple and sometimes the answer is only in a phrase of words that will change everything. But people quite often pray for something, then go on their way into their busy life, and expect that God will somehow rudely interrupt them, in their busy life, to give them the answer. God is considerate and a gentleman and will wait for a quiet time to give you the message.
Your goals can only be achieved by understanding energy and knowledge, through Divine wisdom, through meditation. Through sleep we receive energy, but through meditation we receive abundant energy. Meditation enhances the power of our mind, intellect, emotions and body, and leads us into the sixth sense or the spiritual realm.
In this meditation process we must become able to draw in more cosmic energy into our beings and world. We receive cosmic energy while we are sleeping. Sleep is unconscious meditation, meditation is conscious sleep. We need this energy from meditation to gain energy to use for thinking, seeing, feeling, speaking, hearing, and all body functions, that we all use on a daily basis.
Because we strayed away from God, into the density of this physical world, we lost the ability to access unlimited energy from our God source, or the Kingdom of God. As a result, sleep during the night, does not bring in enough energy to keep us active, without getting mentally, emotionally, and physically tired during the day, which is simply lack of energy to function and leads to anxiety, stress and all kinds of illnesses.
That is why we all need meditation during the waking hours, to build up our personal cosmic energy supply. Our goal should be, in meditation is to expand our consciousness. Meditation should be done in the length of time, according to our age. Meditation should be done for one minute for each year of age. For example a thirty year old person, would meditate for thirty minutes, sometime during the day or evening.
Meditation area should be totally quiet, the person meditating should consciously let go of all the disturbing thought and emotions of the day, and put out of their mind and emotions, all disturbance, clear their mind of thought, and quiet their emotions, during the meditation. If you are not used to it, this may take some practice. Your miracle benefits will come with time and practice.
Mind is a bundle of thoughts, usually going in many directions, with usually no concentration of any kind on one subject, but continually jumping from thought to thought, one thought triggering the illumination of another thought. Fragmented thoughts produce fragmented results.
We need more knowledge in our lives, and knowledge is simply experience, we meditate and we receive more knowledge, which leads to more experience. Through knowledge, we get higher understanding and wisdom, and with this knowledge, we understand that we are not just the body and the mind. We come to understand that we are actually miraculous beings.
We begin to understand all the situations and circumstances of our lives and come out of all of our problems, using higher understanding. Higher energy and higher knowledge, through meditation, expands our consciousness. The expansion of consciousness is the very purpose of the self. Higher knowledge is obtained by reaching heights of consciousness through the activation of our third eye; this is our higher spiritual eye, our pineal gland, in the center of our head. This is the gland that brings the higher spiritual vibrations into our life and world.  Through deep meditation the energy centers of our body open up, starting at the lower base of our spine, lighting up the other energy centers and then ultimately our third eye.
The third eye is a very powerful tool of the souls to see, hear and experience the higher spiritual world, or actual reality around us. By doing more meditation, more energy is activated in our lives, and our third eye is activated more, and opens us up to more reality of God. It is a great experience for a mediator. We come to understand that we are unlimited, and rise to new dimensions of life.
Obtaining knowledge is simply and expansion of our consciousness which leads to wisdom. We come to understand that there is no death, and that we are eternal beings. We understand that we do not die; we only change plains of existence. We come to understand that birth and death are only human created illusions and do not exist in true reality, we live forever. We understand that the physical world is only a temporary school room, a place where we can learn our lessons and expand our consciousness into the higher frequency vibrations of life.
The average person, experiences life, but fail to understand what is happening to them, because they experience the situations or circumstances with physical knowledge and understanding alone. Whereas the spiritually connected person will understand everything that is happening to the, why it is happening, and what could and should be done about it. He understands that the situations in his life are for the purpose of evolution.
This greater understanding will open up several thousands of new doors, opening up new dimensions of perceptions in our lives. This leads to the expansion of our consciousness, or having wisdom, which is why we are here on earth. We will understand what is birth and death, and everything in between. We will understand the higher ways of life and existence. Higher understanding will bring calmness and peace into our lives. We will stop struggling and begin to learn from all of our experiences in life.
Consciousness comes into this plain of existence to gain more energy, knowledge and to learn to create. As we come to understand God, ourselves, others and the world around us, we will then begin to understand other places and other worlds, as our consciousness expands into new heights. We will eventually become miraculous creators, like our greater family of light, that always helps to guide us through our Divine path of light, to reach all of our constructive spiritual goals.

Then what ever one speaks, it manifests, and what ever one thinks, it manifests, what ever one does, it becomes a creation. 
This is true enlightenment !!!!

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