Wednesday, January 8, 2014



We were all born winners to even be able to enter this world of form, called the physical world. We were one of six million sperms that had an opportunity to become life, when we were first conceived by our parents. We were stronger and faster than all of the rest, and we made it to the egg to fertilize it, and become the life, that began in our mothers womb. As a result we were the one that was allowed to become a human being in this world. So, as a result we in embodiment in this world are all born winners. We were all born in love, the love of our parents at conception. The more love that they expressed at conception, the more love we experienced within us.

As babies we automatically expected to be fed and looked after in every way, and when we cried and were in need of something we expected the results that would satisfy our needs. We were content and at peace and it was all very natural to have no needs at all. The concept of shortage in any fashion was not in our consciousness at all. We believed that there was abundance at all times of everything we would ever have needed, and we trusted fully in these giant adults that were all around us. We gave love freely and we received love freely without hesitation at all. Until the hole in the top of our head was closed, we were still connected directly to God and His unconditional love, and then we were entrusted to our parents and their care.

As young children we still loved and gave freely, without reservation, but we started to study the adults and viewed some of their ways that were different from unconditional love, unconditional forgiveness and unconditional giving. Now we began to enter the world of humans, that we somewhat different from our own views of loving, forgiving and giving. Usually between one and two years old we love freely and give freely and then something happened usually when we were closer to two or three years old. When we were given candy or something good to eat, we would share it with others freely. Then one day when we are giving something good, like candy, to someone else we are much slower in giving it, as it comes to our natural consciousness, that when we give something away, we will ultimately have less for ourselves. Then that consciousness develops into not wanting to give any more, whereas in higher spiritual law, it is actually when we give, that we receive.

Then later on we learn from adults to withhold our love, and our giving, when other people do not line up with our expectations of them, if they disappoint us or offend us in some way. This becomes a natural thing, created by the natural physical world around us. We usually fall into this trap of having conditional love and conditional giving that is based on performance, and not unconditional any more. This enters us into the deadly world of criticism and judgment and this starts us on a very dangerous road of life, that we will need to, some how and somewhere, need to eventually come out of sooner or later. This begins our journey into conditions, attachments and addictions, that we will have to eventually reverse or it will eventually cause our own separation, failure and self destruction.

Then in play school or kindergarten we get another opportunity to regain our original desire to love, accept forgive and give unconditionally. We are aught to respect others, to be loving and forgiving and generous to others around us, and we are punished in some way, if we fall short of this attitude. We then will choose which way that we want to go from there. The rest of school is either free and easy, loving, accepting and forgiving others, filled with joy and happiness or it could be hard and stressful, full of strife and disharmony, depending on what we choose, by how we decide to view ourselves. We are who we think we are, and we act accordingly.

Winners in life are the ones that find love, joy, peace, happiness, contentment and person satisfaction, this is true success in life. As we already know, money does not bring happiness or any of these good things, but just the opposite, money has to be generated and then held on to, which causes more stress, fear and emotional upheavals. People´s disposition usually goes up and down with their money supply, which is a constant process the rest of their lives.  Winners love freely, forgive easily, accept fully and live in freedom continually.

True winning or success in life has nothing to do with the entanglements or attachments of the ego system or natural world. It is not about being first in the natural world, it is not about beating others, it is not about being the best in religion, money, politics, business, sports, games or entertainment or popular. Success is not about what you can do in the physical world, it is about what you can do in the spiritual world, it is about who you are, what you are and how you view yourself, God, others and the world. Success is about your sense of identity, that it is a spiritual sense of identity, rather than a natural sense of identity. A spiritual sense of identity will draw Divine love, wisdom and power into your life and world. A natural or ego based sense of identity will diminish these higher qualities and only produce lack, suffering and self destruction in your life.

To be a winner you must be on the winning team, the winning team is our higher family of light and love, that is the team that you need to be on. We are all on this higher team at times, and in the lower realm at times, and our expansion or growth is to progressively drop the outer or natural world, and to enter more fully into the world of God. Your spiritual attainment will develop as you head in the direction of the light. Some people do this with full recognition of what they are doing, other people do it, but do not realize that they are doing it. Other people talk about it and learn about it, but do not do it. It is still and always will be, the one who is actually doing it, that will ultimately succeed or become a winner in life.

Follow the light and be a winner, to follow the light consciously is the best way to go….

Let your light shine and you will always be a winner….

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