Sunday, January 12, 2014



You are the light of the world, in you is no darkness, if you perceive it as darkness, you are very mistaken in your assessment. Darkness is a human and lower nature creation that has absolutely no base of reality in it, and therefore is a total illusion of miss-creation that has presented itself as reality, but in fact has no reality in it. Reality is wholeness. perfection, love, wisdom and power, and anything short of that is simply a temporary illusion, presenting itself as reality.

Your process of real life is dismantalling the intrusion of the dark illusions that try to present themselves as something real, and return to your roots of whole Divine living, that you were originally made for. Your original creation was that of pure light, pure love, pure wisdom and pure power, this is there awaiting your arrival home, contrary to you own beliefs, you have never lost anything, you just simply think you have lost it, and therfore live as though you were in some lower condition. But lower conditions don´t really exist, therefore they cannot have any effect on you, unless of course, by the act of your will, you accept a lower condition as being your own reality. You are Gods, and therefore you have the power to create any reality that you desire.

Your desires of lower conditions must change, and give way to the higher paths of light that are your true heritage and birth right. You must reverse the process that caused you to descend into darkness and continue to climb upwards in your consciousness, in order to see the Divine way of life clearly, without the trappings of the lower world. As Gods, you have the ability to take anything and make it into reality, so take the lower illusions, see through their deceptive projections, and search out the reality of God in the higher kingdom of light and love.

You are what you believe, what you put your faith into, what you send your energy to. Your Divine energy within you, will give life to whatever you choose to send it to. You will animate whatever you choose to, and give life to it. If you choose to give life to the lower kingdom, it will cause pain, suffering, take away your power and cause decay, destruction and death. But if you choose to give life to the higher world of reality, it will bring you more light, love, wisdom, health, happiness, prosperity and dominion over all physical things. You were made for these higher ways of living, and therfore it will be like coming home from a long sleep, filled with dreams of dark things, they are a dream because they were never real, you only temporarily thought that they were real, and became tied to it, by your own acceptance of something that was a created illusion.

Your heart is set to come out of all of the illusions of the lower world, therefore nothing will prevent you from succeeding in this spiritual quest to find all truth and all reality in the kingdom of light. As all of the lower things lose their meaning and value, shall you rise to the top as real cream rises to the top in fresh milk and become beings of light and love, that you were originally created to be. It is all about what you are willing to give up, and not so much about what you attain. Your spiritual attainment is right inside of you, you have just allowed it to be covered over by the illusions of the physical world. When the illusions of the physical world are released, you will see in the spiritual way, that which is within you, waiting to be released by your conscious command.

You have everything that you need to succeed in the light and claim back your true spiritual heritage. You have the love, wisdom and power within you to do and accomplish anything that you desire is important to you, and you send out your desires, by conscious command to accomplish whatever you decide is worth your effort to attain. Therefore your spiritual attainment is in your own hands, as higher beings only operate within the laws of God and therefore will never support illusions of the physical world, that entangle the saints of God into the lower realms of illusions. If you voluntarily choose the illusions, than the higher beings will not assist, until you become tired of the negative results, and make decisions for the more of God and the true reality of higher living in light and love.

The decisions are always yours, continually make decisions for the best of life, it is waiting for you !!!

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