Friday, January 10, 2014



This year will be a year of restoration of the souls on earth, that have desired Divine love for a very long time, who have kept themselves, to a great degree, from the contamination of the outer world. Those who have been patiently waiting for the Divine power, to sweep them to victory, over the trappings of the outer world. These souls, and they know who they are, will feel a new power within them, to accomplish things that they only dared to dream about, but those dreams were the constructive desires of their hearts, therefore the dreams were God in action, and God cannot be stopped by anything in the outer world. A new wind of peace in action will be experienced, a new stability will be felt, a new opening of hearts to the love, wisdom and power of God, that will bring much more attainment to these beings that desire a more constructive way of life.

It is time for a spiritual move on this planet that will dwarf, any other move of the spiritual world among the children of men, that anyone in embodiment can remember. The threat of another great war is over, now the people of earth can concentrate on healing and restoration, of themselves and of the planet. Peace is now the word for the people of planet earth, peace will prevail over all dark elements that desire the destruction of man on the earth. The destructive elements are getting smaller in number, and the majority of man kind desire peace, this had made it possible for God and His universal law, to act in the world of man kind and to bring peace to the earth, and to eventually and systematically dismantle all possible threats to the well being of all souls on planet earth.

There is a spiritual explosion coming to earth and you will see the beginnings of it this year. This spiritual explosion has been brewing quietly for a long time, not noticed by many people, underneath the view of most, that focus on the world directions, that the power elite dominate. What is happening in the world on a natural level, is parallel with what is happening in the world of spirit, however the power of God, working in the worlds of human beings, is in secret, and not understood by the mass of man kind. However man kind will see the result of many years of preparation for this great move of God on earth, that will completely surprise the mass of man kind. The dear hearts that are ready for the more of God, will respond quickly to this mighty move of spiritual power, that will sweep the earth, and carry to freedom, those who are ready for this new freedom and those who have been praying for the power of God to sweep the earth, and bring souls to the reality and the perfection of God.

However there will be many, who classify themselves as high attainment beings, who will resist this great move of God with all of their might. The real truth will be unfamiliar to many people who have been trapped in many of the religions of the world, who teach only their own doctrines, and attempt to keep people trapped in their created worlds, that make them feel temporarily secure. There is only security in God and in the freedom of the individual, to choose their own path in life, free from the pressures of a dominating structure, that attempts to control the masses, by making promises that they have no authority to make. This spiritual movement, to these controlling organizations, will be very scary, as they were taught to only accept what they already know. This, of coarse, attempts to prevent God from bringing into the children of men, anything new.

If the old was going to work, it would have worked already, it has had a very long time to prove itself. The old was there for a time, to bring the people of earth to another level of understanding, but was never meant to be the all in all. The development of the souls on earth have gone through many different stages over the years, and this new move of the Divine, is just another stage in the development of Gods people. Every stage of new development by God, had traditionally been apposed by the diehards of the previous stage of development.

Jesus was the beginning of a new stage of development and as everyone could see, was apposed violently by the people who were still holding on to the previous stage of development, that was then superseded by the new stage of development, that was labeled the new testament. This process has been going on for a very long time. Instead of just appraising the new situation simply by it´s fruit, they fault the new wave of Divine spirit, according to their old established ways. Unfortunately for many of the children of men, this will happen again, and many will lose the great opportunity that will be offered to them. However this will not prevent the move of God from expanding into incredible proportions, and some of the opposition will actually help to advance the new wave of spiritual love, wisdom and power.

The year 2010 will be the beginning of this great expansion of Gods Kingdom, and will be greatly accelerated in 2012, and will become a great force of qualified energy, that will bless the earth and all upon it to a greater degree than has happened for a very long time. This move will be the last, and great eternal action that will eventually lead to permanent spiritual success among men, that will have no end. This move will usher in the Kingdom of God to planet earth, and the long suffering and frightful creations that man has created and was forced to live in, for a longer time than you can imagine, will diminish. The book of revelation will not play out, as that was a warning for the souls on earth, if they continued to go the wrong way. The souls, and as a result the planet, are on a spiritual upswing, that will have no end.

It was said of old, they made their swords into plow shears, but I say, they will no longer need the plow shears either, because in the new world of the Divine, eventually food will be precipitated from universal supply, without effort, and will delight the recipients greatly. The dishes and eating ware, will appear and disappear on command, no more preparation or clean up. Clothing will also be precipitated from universal supply, and the clothing will not wear out, but last eternally and will not be dictated to the mass, by the power elite. Homes will be kept clean by using the rays of God, so housework will be a thing of the past. The beautiful souls of God will be able to personally manifest gold, metal, wood or any other necessary products in the world of man, and many more products not yet seen by man, that will last eternally. Flying machines will make travel easy and simple and then eventually souls will learn how to travel through the atmosphere at incredible speeds, with just their finer bodies, all at their slightest command.

These are just samples of the world of God that was originally planned for the children of men, the children of earth have risen to great heights of attainment many times in the past, but had again fallen back into great density. This will be the last and final time of the Golden Age for planet earth, and the Golden City will be lowered down from the higher realm, high attainment spiritual beings will be visually seen in the physical realm and angels and messengers of all kinds will be visible among men. This will be a glory that has never been seen on earth since the beginning.


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