Wednesday, January 8, 2014



The law of life is to give, for only by the giving of ones self, can one expand. To give the intense love of your own I Am inner God presence unto all mankind, to all life, is the mightiest activity we can use to draw the human into the Divine. In this Divine love is contained every good thing.

There have been thousands of platitudes written about Divine love, but only when the individual knows Divine love as something more than an abstract principle, do they realize that they can generate it at will and direct it consciously, to accomplish whatever they decree. The Ascended Master knows this Divine love as a presence, an intelligence, a principle, a light, a power, an activity and a substance.

Therein lies the secret to their supreme authority and power, for there is nothing to obstruct the approach of Divine love anywhere in the universe. When the student understands how to draw forth the flame of Divine love, from within his own Mighty I Am Presence, at their own decree, they know it is but a very short time until their constant use of it, raises them into the Ascension. Only enough love can accomplish that for anyone, but it must be first projected forth, before it can release the blessings within it´s heart, unto the sender.

Divine love, being the eternal, is the unquenchable, invincible, unconquerable Presence of the I Am, and therefore Master of all, now and forever.

All of the joys and pleasures of the outer world, are as but dust compared to the limitless, ever increasing wonders of creation in cosmic space which the Ascended Master may observe and enjoy consciously and at will. One of the tremendous blessings of the Ascended state is the entire absence of any criticism or condemnation of human frailties or mistakes. If the student of light will train himself to forget everything that is in anyway undesirable, they will not only make rapid progress, but it is imperative if they are to free themselves from human limitation. For the student to drag with them, un-pleasent memories, is but one of the many ways, by which they create over and over again, the same experiences of misery, from which they are really seeking to be free.

The light does not receive in-harmony into itself. As the student enters the light, they become all light, hence all perfection. To have in-harmony drop away from the body or affairs, the personality must let go of all thought, feeling and words about imperfection. An activity that will always bring complete freedom, is for the student to pour out unconditional and eternal forgiveness to everybody and everything. This does what nothing else can do to free everyone, as well as the person who sends it out. Forgiveness fills all with lights perfection.

When forgiveness is sincere, the individual will find their world reordered as if by magic and filled with every good thing, but remember that if a discord is not forgotten, it is not forgiven, because you cannot loose it or release yourself from it, until it is out of your consciousness. So long as you remember an injustice or a disturbed feeling, you have not forgiven either the person or the condition.

When the forgiveness is complete, the feeling nature or the emotional body is serene, kind, happy, comfortable, and like a mountain of light. It is so powerful, that one abides within it, as impregnable as a fortress. Even though they stand a midst the wreck of worlds, yet will they remain untouched by anything but perfection in the light. Remember what your consciousness is held firmly upon, you bring into existence in yourself. It is impossible for your life to contain anything, that is not your past or present accumulation of consciousness. Whatever you are conscious of in thought and feeling stamps itself upon universal substance, in and around you, and brings forth after it´s kind, always. This is a Mighty Cosmic law from which there is no variation or escape.

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