Thursday, July 9, 2015


We presently live in a world that is governed by higher spiritual laws that are in the invisible world of the Divine, that govern all physical creation and natural laws that govern all physical creation of the physical world, that were made by man, that presently govern our outer world. All laws should be for the enlightenment, the progress, the benefit, the advancement and the safety & protection of all souls on planet earth. All laws should work for the benefit of all souls, without discrimination.
The only law that we really need is the law of Divine unconditional love for ourselves and for other souls and all other spiritual laws would be fulfilled as well. However we are all still in the lower levels of density on earth and so we need many laws to govern on planet earth. It was the falling into the density of this natural physical world that originally created the condition that we call physical death. Destruction & death were not a part of the original Divine creation.
The more important laws to understand, of course, are the higher spiritual laws of life. Understanding these laws and putting them into practice and allowing them to become part of our lives, will bring happiness, health, and prosperity of every description, into our lives & worlds.
The basic Ten Commandments of old are a very low & rudimentary version of the real higher spiritual laws that govern our system of worlds. These basic laws were sufficient in their time, but now souls are in a higher state of consciousness and so many other spiritual laws come into action in our world, to balance all things.
If we do not understand and surrender to these higher spiritual laws, we will create destruction and suffering of every description, in our lives and worlds. These higher spiritual laws were created to keep us from self destructing in the lower density of this natural world. These higher spiritual laws were created to protect us from perishing in the density of the natural world.
These higher spiritual laws have consequences for our negative perceptions, processing, thinking, feeling and action. If we move with these higher spiritual laws, in harmony, then disharmony will not be a part of our lives and worlds. If we follow these higher laws of life, we will be blessed in every way possible, but if we get trapped into imagining that the physical world, is all there is, destruction and suffering will surely follow.
The basic higher spiritual laws are the law of love, the law of cause & effect, the law of forgiveness, the law of reincarnation, the law of abundance, the law of unity, the law of empowerment, the law of right human relations. Harmony with these laws in our lives will bring love, good health, prosperity & peace to us all on earth.
In our present world of form there now exists, the very best and the very worst situations & circumstances and everything in between. By the act of our own God given free will, we choose our destiny, by the choices that we make in our lives and worlds. We all personally create our own lives, profitable or unprofitable as it may be. We can never blame others for our own creations, we all create our own lives, situations & circumstances by the decisions we choose to make in life. Life is where we learn all of our needed lessons. Life is a school room of learning to lead us into a higher state of consciousness and finally qualify for our own ascension into the higher realms of Divine living forever.

The laws that govern our physical world of planet earth are all in place to protect us from imbalance that could cause us harm to our physical bodies. For example, the law of gravity is in place to keep us on the planet and enable us to function in the physical world of form. Even our bodies need the effects of gravity to function properly internally. The law of motion, serves us greatly in personal travel and in collective travel. The laws of the four elements work together for the good of all souls on earth. The laws of nature keep all things in balance and all things duplicating and expanding into more of itself.

We also live in a world that is made up of natural laws, created by natural people or human beings, living in the natural or physical plane of existence. Unlike the supernatural laws of protective consequences, these lower world laws are based on punishment. There should never be laws based on punishment, only laws of rehabilitation, this is starting to come into our consciousness now.
These natural laws are imperfect as they were created by natural or imperfect beings we call man, who view things as right and wrong and desire to punish the law breakers. Because these natural or physical beings are imperfect, the laws that they create are also imperfect. In time these laws will all be transformed into higher laws of love, compassion and caring.
It is the personal self of humans in embodiment in this world to determine their own futures, by what they accept into their lives & worlds from external sources. Everyone needs to make their own decisions as to what they will accept or embrace as being satisfactory for their live & worlds. 
Therefore not all human created laws are the best for the good of all souls, equally. Human laws all differ from country to country, province to province, etc, and they all depend upon the spiritual state of the humans who originally created these laws. Some human laws are totally acceptable for the protection of all. However there are other laws that are not acceptable, many of which have the best interest of the particular government at the forefront, rather than the best interest of the people, which should actually be the only base for creating laws. This is unfortunate; however it is the reality that we all have to presently live in.
The best way to deal with laws that are based on greed and the desire for power and are not in the best interest of the people, is to try & change them. This method however can be very difficult & a long process, since the government in power, will try and protect themselves & especially their financial income.
The second method is to outsmart them at their own game & find ways to legally get around the laws that are unjust & and have a base of greed from the beginning of conception. We do not have to be ponds at the mercy of our elected governments. There is always something we can do to balance the scales. Wisdom will guide us in this quest for justice & fairness in our own land.
The truly spiritual person is quite capable of discerning what is acceptable & not acceptable in their lives & worlds. They make good decisions for others & for themselves because all of their decisions are based on Divine unconditional love. They believe in doing unto others, what they would have others do to them, they believe in the golden rule of love & unity.
Everyone has to make their own decisions in their lives & worlds & receive the consequences where acceptable or unacceptable, depending whether the decision is constructive or destructive. Governments are quite willing to enforce their good laws or bad laws, it makes no difference to them, it is all the same to them for they believe that all of their laws are good.
We as rightful souls on earth have the right to our own perceptions of what is good for us and for others and what is not good for us & others. The higher spiritual divine laws, made by God Being, take precedence over the lower physical laws of the natural world, made by human beings. The higher spiritual laws are always perfect & constructive, while the lower natural human laws are imperfect and can be destructive.
The perfect will eventually overpower the imperfect, but until then we need to be wise & protect ourselves from the abuse of natural governments that abuse their powers for the sake of power & financial gain without the due respect & loving attention towards the souls within their lower jurisdiction.

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