Thursday, July 9, 2015


The bible says that only a wicked generation seeks for a sign or only a wicked generation would be focused on the physical world, rather than being focused on the spiritual world. Wicked is an incorrect choice of words, it just simply means the density of not knowing. How is it possible for someone to understand a spiritual thing by viewing a physical result? Physical signs only reveal physical things, spiritual signs only reveal spiritual things. A physical sign that you can see physically, reveals nothing about the spiritual world and a spiritual sign, reveals only spiritual Divine action of various types of  light, whether non-physical or physical.
When you are focused on the physical world, you cannot perceive things spiritually, when you are focused on the spiritual world, you cannot perceive things physically, that is how the spiritual laws work on earth. You can only focus on one thing at a time, so you should try and make that focus on something good.

The bible says that these signs & wonders shall follow those who believe, that is saying that the signs & wonders follow, they do not lead in the process. Our focus needs to be on the spiritual world, to get certain results in the physical world. If you, at any time take your focus off of Pure God Being or the spiritual world, you will not see any results, physical or non-physical.

Churches, religions & other spiritual organizations tend to appraise spiritual things by viewing the physical results. They think that a meeting or service, is successful, if there is a large number of people present, that is a fallacy that will not bring forth good results. Or if someone receives a physical healing, then God must have been there, but the truth is God is always here, always present, everywhere. If a physical healing takes place, a soul must have opened the door to Divine perfection, for it to flow, for the Divine is always ready to flow. The soul who has received the healing is in control of that, another soul can assist, but it is the soul that was physically healed, who made it possible, they lined up with Cosmic law and Divine  perfection energy flowed. And likely they lined up with spiritual laws accidentally.

The world of ego, entertainment & sports, for example, can draw multitudes of people to events and it is primarily ego based human worship & competition, the desire to win & to be popular, the desire to raise one`s self above another or many others. Some of the greatest meetings that have ever taken place were with very small numbers of people. The physical number of people present means nothing, unless the true will of God is being fulfilled in that meeting.

There are many perceived wills of God which are usually the most popular and then there is the true will of God, which is not as popular in our present world on planet earth, however it is now changing very quickly.

There were a very small number of souls present at the biblical event of Pentecost and it was one of the most important events in the New Testament of the bible. Many times the very important contacts with God in history, there was only one person present and then they relayed the information to the people.

Ministries & events usually expand, based on physical signs, like churches, buildings, numbers of people and they are all built, based upon the physical signs. Following the physical signs will eventually cause more focus on physical signs and less focus on spiritual things. This practice will ensure that the religion or ministry will continue to exist on a human level.

God is a spirit and those who worship God, must do it in spirit & truth, not in the flesh. Spirit & truth are both non-physical expressions. God must always be contacted in spirit, within you and not by the physical world that is outside of you. The physical world is only a temporary physical state to experience physical life and will have an eventual end, so it only has temporary existence.
If you always follow physical signs, you will always be there too late. The souls who are on time are the ones that stay in contact with the Divine spirit and they will always be there in the right place, in the right way, at the right time.

Always look for spiritual signs and not just physical signs and you will move easily into your Divine plan for this lifetime. Spiritual signs, you must feel and use your inner intuition, which will strengthen through much use. This will bring in fulfillment and happiness as well as Divine peace.
Spiritual signs are given in Divine perceptions, intuitions, processing, thinking & feeling, individually or all together, when you line up with the Divine will, everything flows through light & love, through you, from you & around you. When this is happening to an intense degree, the physical realm is temporarily suspended in time and the Divine perfection flows through.
Everything we would ever need or desire is always there for us within our own personal Divine Presence within us. We simply need to learn to follow spiritual signs.
The non-physical higher eternal spiritual world is reality and the lower physical world is only a temporary created human illusion as its days are numbered.

Choose to live in higher spiritual reality and the human created illusion will lose its power over you and you will be truly free, free to be forever….

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