Sunday, February 9, 2014


In the bible, Jesus referred us to living the narrow way, the path of life, the Divine path of life or eastern religions call it the middle way, but in fact it is what they all refer to as balance of which, without it, we could not ever enter into Divine living eternally. In what we often call heaven, is merely a place for us to review our past life and to plan our next physical embodiment on earth. However, ascension is permanently entering into eternal spiritual dwellings forever, not ever returning to physical embodiment on earth. In eternal dwellings there is only Divine living in absolute balance, we all need to become aligned with that, to become a permanent part of perfection eternally.
In the natural world of the physical plane, balance is in quantities or measurements and in the spiritual realm it is equally quantities and measurements, however in the spiritual the quantities and measurements are non physical. The nonphysical is not actually invisible, it is only constructed from a smaller size of particles and of course, particles or even electrons, atoms or, molecules are too small to be seen by our physical eyes, therefore appear to us to be invisible, but are actually smaller physical material.
The physical body is one quarter of our being and our nonphysical world is three quarters of our being. The nonphysical part of our beings, are our souls, our minds and our emotions. The balance of these four lower bodies is easily and quickly measured by the spiritual realm, higher beings can determine exactly where we are at, in our spiritual attainment, simply by focusing on our being, in only a matter of seconds. These higher beings read our balance and spiritual attainment by viewing our colors, surrounding our physical bodies. Our spiritual energy field around our bodies or spiritual colors around our bodies reveal to higher beings of light, our spiritual attainment and our balance, instantly.
When our four lower bodies are balanced, then our being and world will be balanced as well. Our four lower bodies are our souls, minds, emotions and physical bodies. These must all come into spiritual balance to be whole and complete as spiritual beings that we truly are in true reality. If these four lower bodies are out of balance, so will our lives, world and experience be out of balance.
In the physical plane of existence, things quite often are too hard or too soft, too long or too short, too heavy or too light, too fat or too thin, too fast or too slow, too high or too low, etc which is out of balance. Anything in this world that is not correct, suitable or appropriate is out of balance with true Divine life. We, in this physical plane of existence have got used to things being out of balance or unsuitable and thus have become used to difficulty, struggle and suffering, continually attempting to rearrange things in our lives. However if we surrender to the higher will within us, our own personal inner God Presence, all things will come into perfect balance.  
Spiritual balance in the natural world of existence is in not preferring one thing over another or preferring one person over another but equally receiving all life in spiritual balance, equally. This is very difficult to do if your four lower bodies are unbalanced. In an unbalanced condition, our four lower bodies will become attached or even addicted to many things around us in the physical world. In unbalance we will prefer one soul over another or some things over others and thus put our energy and time into these things in a greater way, which is just simply another physical form of worship.
Whatever we put our energy into, we worship, whether we agree with it or not or whether we like it or not. God desires for us to return our God given pure energy back to God and His Kingdom, who gave it in the beginning. If our God given pure God energy becomes distributed into various things in the physical world, we become fragmented and incomplete and our individual souls become fragmented. In order to become complete and whole again, like we were in the beginning, we need to return our energy back to pure God and only to the creation of pure Divine things again as we once did. Then we will become whole and righteous again, to be able to make Divine decisions from a base of wholeness or God perfection.
Balance is sending out Divine love equally to all souls and receiving Divine love equally from all souls. We are truly happy and content when we are sending out Divine unconditional love to a person, place or thing. When we send love to another soul, we feel good, we feel happy and it confirms to us that we are going the right way into constructive desires and we feel our reward, within us. If we are standing on a beautiful beach or in a very beautiful mountain view, we send our love out to the particular place and we feel good and the confirmation of going the right direction is confirmed within us, by feeling very good. If we look at a pet that we love, we send out our love in the form of love energy and we feel good and get the confirmation that it is the right way to go, sending out love. These things all works together to balance our being and world through the sending and receiving of Divine unconditional love.
If we judge or criticize another soul for something we perceived that they did or didn’t do or maybe just because we didn’t like their looks or the way they were, their attitudes or the way they talked, we withhold our love and it makes us feel uncomfortable or feel bad. This is because we are essentially, loving God beings and to not love is foreign to us and our inner guidance system sends out bad feelings to notify us that we are stepping out of love based living into destructive living. Our inner guidance system is of course our own inner God Presence or Holy Spirit. If we then choose to continue down the destructive path, the feelings will get worse and eventually become habitual. However, if at any time, we recognize that is not the best way for us to go, we can change our position and begin to forgive and love again, in that particular direction, God being will return all of the good feeling back to us.
Balance is sending out Divine love equally to all persons, places or things and receiving love back from the beings that manage these particular things in the natural or the physical world. There are nature spirits that help to create and manage nature on the planet. When we see something, like flowers and we respond and say, my, is that ever beautiful, we are sending our love out to the beings that created it and they return that love to us and thus everything is made stronger in Divine love. The same is true when we send our love to other souls, they also return that love to us and we all create more love energy and become stronger in our God awareness and God consciousness. This brings much balance to the children of God and to the earth.
Balance is having no attachments or addictions to any specific persons, places or things in the physical world, not preferring one person, place or thing over another but receiving all life in the bond of Divine love, equally. We cannot experience real balance if we are out of balance and we are always out of balance when we prefer one soul over another or one place or thing over another. This is a state of discrimination or prejudice and it will produce unbalance in our lives and world.
Balance is not overreacting to a person, place or thing and it is not under reacting to a person, place or thing. Balance is viewing and evaluating everything around us in a balanced or appropriate manner and feeling good in the process, as confirmations of our decisions for the constructive or Divine way of living.
Balance is in self control, to control our selves in directing ourselves into a more constructive way of living. We control what we want to let into our world, what we choose to be a part of and we control what we are, what we say and what we do, always viewing a more constructive way of life, rather than destructive. If we have learned balance, we will have self control and self will to head further into Divine living.
Balance in our souls, will produce balance in our minds, feelings and actions. It is our souls that need salvation first and then it will come to our minds, emotions and world for our four lower bodies or our total beings to be balanced. For our souls to be saved or restored, we need to make clear and pure decisions towards God being and then the Divine will begin to restore our souls. If we stay on this chosen Divine path of life, we will ultimately succeed in Divine being and Divine living.
Balance in the mind is continual calm processing and thinking at all times and under all possible conditions, whether they are positive or negative experiences. The balanced mind assesses all things in the right perspective and processes results that are useful in creating constructive creations. The mind chooses directions for our being based on spiritual balance in relation to outer conditions.
Our feelings or emotions follow along with our minds, as the mind chooses directions, but our emotions assist in helping our minds choose the correct directions for our life and worlds. Our emotions are the power, the emotion or energy in motion, to accomplish what we desire to do. Our feelings are the Holy Spirit within us, our guidance system for choosing directions in life. We usually choose directions that we feel good about and this is what helps us to stay in balance. If we allow our minds to ignore the way we feel about something and make a decision anyway, we usually find out later that it was a wrong decision for us. Our intuition is our internal guidance or spiritual input into all things and comes through our mind and feelings. Our feelings will help us to maintain spiritual balance. 
Our bodies are for the purpose of interacting physically in a physical world and serve as an expression of our love towards other souls, places and things. When our bodies are in balance they will be strong and healthy and be fit for any type of service to other soul beings or to the physical world around us. True spiritual balance will keep our bodies healthy and strong at all times.
Balance is not getting exited to the point of being out of control or not being indifferent and totally ignoring what is happening around us, but finding the balance in between.
Balance is not in the extreme and not in the mundane, but balanced in between.
Balance in the soul or electronic body, keeps an individual person, in self control at all times, mentally, emotionally and physically.
Spiritually we all need balanced processing of our soul, producing a balanced perspective, of our mind, producing balanced thinking, producing balanced feeling and balance of our body, maintaining balanced functions in our bodies at all times and in our life, experience and world.

The Divine spiritual plan or path of light will leads us into perfection, the bible tells us to be perfect, even as God is perfect, that should be our life long objective.

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