There are personal Angels permanently assigned to every individual soul that has come to earth for more life experience. With the necessary knowledge, these Angels or messengers can be called into action at any time. Your personal Angels, if no requests for their assistance are made, by the individual soul on earth, they simply wait for the requests to be made by the individual souls. This means that they do nothing, if the individual souls do not make any demands on their services. These messengers are commissioned to respond to the individual souls applications for assistance from God or from the Divine world. Your requests for assistance go up to your individual God Presence or I Am Presence and then out to the Angels that provide the particular service that is requested.
This process works according to your Divine plan for this lifetime. If you choose to move towards your specific
pre-planned Divine plan fore this life, the appropriate angels will respond and assist you further into your Divine plan for this embodiment. If your choices are taking you away from your specific Divine plan for this life, the angels cannot assist in that process, they are not allowed by cosmic law to assist with anything that is outside the will of pure God.
When we venture outside the Divine will of God, we are on our own, the
angels will not assist outside the will of God. However if we realize that we made a mistake and ask for help from God, then the angels will be allowed to assist us again and try to help us to get back on our Divine path of light. If souls consistently refuse to get onto their Divine path, they will simply self destruct in suffering and death and then they can reincarnate and come back to earth as a baby and try again to fulfill their Divine plan.
These angels have been working with you for many thousands of years, they know you well and if you would see them in physical appearance, you would also recognize and remember them. They are very good friends to you and are delighted to assist you in any way they can. However the density of this physical ego based world has temporarily blocked your past memories, which will all be eventually restored, through your desire to seek the light and to be free.
The effort, the desire and your faith and belief system as well as your attitudes are all taken into consideration in the process of responding to your calls for assistance. If the ego or processing, thoughts or feelings of the natural world are involved in your request it will effect the time and the strength of the response from the Divine world. There must be humility, surrender, love &
peace as well as emotional power and no fear present when we make our requests.
Presently in the world, souls are at such a lower state of density that they only receive the odd miracles
accidentally. They
accidentally get into a place of perfect peace, focus on the desired result that they want, express the necessary belief and faith for the desired result and a miracle happens. However usually they do not understand how they made it happen or do not believe that they made it happen and therefore cannot repeat the process in the future. Souls have fallen so far into the physical density of this physical world, they have forgotten how to access the gifts and blessings of God that are all of our heritage.
However we must remember that our experiences or Karma from our previous life experiences play a specific role in the process of receiving from the Kingdom of God. If we have created specific Karma in past life experiences, if we have thought, felt or done to others any negative things in past lives, we will definitely have to experience that same thing in this life or other future life experiences. For
example, if we withheld supply from our brothers and sisters in a previous life
experience, we will need to experience that same thing in this life. We are likely in the process of balancing past karma right now. This is all based on cosmic law and no one can escape the negative past life karma that they have created. True experience and
balance is the only possible way that we can understand what we have done to others or other forms of life, clearly and completely.
Every soul on earth has a planning department, angels of God who are assigned to you specifically for the purpose of planning, in your progression through multiple embodiment's. This was expressed at the time of Jesus, on the mount of transfiguration, when Moses and Elijah appeared and talked with Jesus about the events that were going to play out in his life. Sometimes Ascended Masters, Cosmic beings
or other ascended beings will assist us or sometimes the angels or the legions of light will assist us in our Divine plan of life.
Every soul on earth has a department of dreaming, angels that assist with our desires, visions and dreams for attainment in this particular embodiment, as well as desires, dreams and visions for things in the physical world of form. Because of cosmic law, these angels cannot ever go against our free will, so they have to assist in working out the best for us, within the framework of our own individual free will. We see this in action, in the
bible, where Abraham's desires, visions and dreams for his nephew Lot, drew in
three angels to Abraham to assure Abraham that Lot and his family would be
protected when the returning karma or self judgement came upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham loved and was committed to God being and therefore the Divine will always bring understanding as to what was happening around him.
Ascended beings and angels will speak to us in our dreams and will help us to
expand in consciousness.
Every soul on earth has an innovation department, angels that assist in inventing new things and new ways of doing things, to awaken us to higher levels of light and to assist us in our personal and collective life experiences. Great inventions come into the physical world of form through these methods. We are able to solve various problems and many different situations with this knowledge that we receive from the world of Divine. Noah, in the bible used this
department, to get the information that he needed to build a great ship, that
had never been done before. Ascended Masters and angels of light, in music,
inventions and many other areas of development invent new ways of doing things
and pass the knowledge onto us, in embodiment.
Every soul on earth has a music department, angels who help guide us to create or hear music from various places and sources that will assist us on our Divine path of life. In the higher spiritual realm, there are
Temples of Music that constantly find new ways to improve and expand music and
then pass the knowledge onto us, in embodiment. Many times we may be looking for answers for some problem or situation and we will hear a song, and something in the song gives us the answer that we need to resolve a problem in our life and world. Musicians that
seek the Divine realm for assistance, will receive the assistance that they
need and are guided by the music department and the great Temple of Music to create music that will caused healing and restoration in many souls when they hear the music. This is an area that is not always recognized but has a very great impact on the souls in embodiment.
Every soul on earth has a video department, angels or messengers that guide and lead souls into watching particular TV
shows and movies or maybe good inspirational things in the news. Many times on the news channels you will see heart warming stories of inspiration that will touch your heart and soften your over all countenance. This also applies to visual things that happen around us, with other people, with animals and nature. Many things will be inspirational and full of joy to help us on our Divine path of life. You may think that these things are random acts, but I assure you that they are all carefully planned by the Divine world around us. This department was in action in the bible when the King Nebuchadnezzar was reduced to eating grass in a field, just like an ox, so that people could view it and realize that the power of the natural world of ego control is useless against the power of the Divine in action as well as to restore humility and surrender
with the King. All moving pictures are under the control of ascended beings and
thy video department.
Every soul on earth has a culinary department or Angels for culinary service and they will provide perfect heavenly food and dinner ware for the individual soul on request. Moses, in the bible, accessed this for feeding the children of Israel in the wilderness. Jesus also accessed this department when feeding the five thousand souls with bread and fish. However everything in the spiritual realm operates on the faith of the individual or even better yet, on the knowing of the individual souls. If you do not believe something is possible, than it would be impossible for the legions of light to provide the service. But if you make the request in faith and full confidence, they will most certainly move on your behalf, to fulfill your individual request. Your faith is your Divine inner self or I Am Presence in action and the results cannot be interfered with by anything in the natural world. Food can and is provided by supernatural beings through what we would perceive as natural means, by providing food or money, but these things are far above the natural worlds capabilities, and are all Divinely arranged in perfect timing. However anyone desiring to exercise these
gifts and blessings of God can and will experience these things in physical
Every soul on earth has a department for supply or finance department or messengers of light to provide the requested service of supply on demand that is needed by the individual souls. This department that Jesus had in the bible, were responsible for bringing the three wise men, recorded in the bible, to Jesus and his family to bring wealth that could be used for their flight to Egypt and to sustain them, while they were there. Most souls in embodiment do not make the demand for instant supply from universal supply. Jesus also used this
department for supplying the money from the mouth of the fish, when it was
Very often souls in embodiment ask for things like food and because of the lack of faith or belief, the answer comes slowly in the natural world process, but sometime very slowly. However your personal angels are very quick to answer your prayers or requests, but they are only allowed to operate within the cosmic laws of God. As a result they are only allowed to respond according to the effort and belief that you are willing to put into it. Your emotions are the real power behind your ability to access the Divine. Emotions are energy in motion, you first visualize a thing, think about it, which determines the direction, but it is the self controlled emotions that produces the power to succeed.
Uncontrolled emotions will fragment and scatter everything. Many times a soul will allow a negative situation to continue for a long time and then when they have had enough they explode emotionally and make request to the Divine for help and receive what they need very quickly. This can be accomplished
much easier through controlled emotions before the problems have time to exist.
Everything that we could ever need is always available to us from universal supply, however it will never come into the material world, unless a soul in embodiment makes the demand and holds onto the desired outcome and is unwilling to let go or give up, but pushes through. To get results from universal supply we must make the demand and then take our focus off of the human created problem and focus only on the desired results. This is the only way to bring the desired results from the Divine world, into physical embodiment. Many souls make their request from God, but then continue to focus on the perceived problem and thereby keep the created problem active. Whatever we focus on in this physical world, we send energy to and we will create more of it in our life and world, this is based on universal and cosmic Divine law. So it is also true that if you focus on the desired result or the miracle that is needed, the miracle will materialize in the physical world of form. Every prayer is always answered to the same degree that it was given.
Every soul on earth has a built in clothing department within them. There is a department that is serviced by angels of light. Jesus in the bible, used this method to create his seamless robe. Your request for clothing is within you, goes up to your I AM God Presence and then out to your angels to create and supply clothing that we may need and for all necessary occasions. In the clothing is Divine light that reflects the glory of God and is always perfectly appropriate for every situation or circumstance. The clothing is also
indestructible and will last forever, if you enter in that quality, when you
request it. This clothing can be requested from universal supply, through your individual God Presence and out to the angelic host that are responsible for this area of life. This can work within the framework of the physical world through circumstantial miracles or on a much higher level where the needed clothing can be precipitated from universal supply through our instant demand. On this higher level you could make the demand for clothing for a particular purpose and walk into your bedroom and the desired clothing would be possibly laying on your bed waiting for you.
Every soul on earth has a building department angels
or messengers to create houses, temples and buildings of all kinds for the benefit of all. You can create all of these things without any physical effort; you once lived in this ability and gift, before these memories were blocked by the density of this natural ego based world of form. The temple in Jerusalem was created by
this method of building, not in the highest form, but within the level of
consciousness of the souls at that particular time in the history of the earth.
The higher form, rather than the divine operating within the natural world, in
the highest spiritual fashion, a multitude of nature spirits would each bring a
particular part and it could be assembled in a matter of hours. Noah, the great biblical boat builder, used his building department to assist him in building the great arch to save himself, his family and the local animals in that particular area of the earth. If the highest form of building is not possible that lower forms of the natural world can be used by the angelic host, as well.
Every soul on earth has a built in travel department, angels that are involved and assist in travel that you desire in your life and world. The highest form of travel of course is etheric travel, where we leave our body and travel in our etheric body to wherever we desire to go. We can travel with our finer body or etheric body to places on the earth and even throughout the universe, at very great speeds. The
higher cosmic beings travel the universe in a bubble of light, at speeds
comparable to that of the speed of thought. Elijah in the bible, when he left
the earth, traveled in the higher ways of Divine light. Enoch, in the old
testament of the bible and Jesus in the new testament traveled directly, straight up into the heavens, when they left the planet.
It is also possible for us to travel in the etheric realm with our physical body from place to place on the planet. This was accomplished by the prophet Elijah, that is recorded in the bible, on Mount Camel, when the great prophet was transported physically. On a much lower level, souls can desire travel in the natural world and your legions of light will assist with bringing in the reality of your desire in safety. The timing on
travel is very important and your person angels of assistance will direct that
part of you, when you sincerely ask in humility and surrender.
Every soul on earth has a built in levitation department, Divine messengers that assist in levitating objects, our bodies or anything else that we desire to levitate. This is how Jesus walked on water, recorded in the bible, this function is a process of raising the vibration of our physical body or an object and it begins to rise up and overcome gravity, appearing to be without assistance, but I can assure you that nothing happens in this physical world of form without conscious assistance from a self conscious God being or beings. The knowledge of this gift or these gifts are within us and we can access them if the keys to open the door are exercised, like humility, surrender, peace and enough emotion and effort is put into it. However most often souls on the planet are more interested in the ego based natural things of this world, than they are in the blessings and gifts of the supernatural world of Divine.
Every soul on earth has a built in manifestation department, to assist in the manifestation of anything that we may desire in life and maybe need at a specific point in time. Angels are developed to specialize in certain areas of need, just as souls in embodiment have come to specialize in certain areas and gifts, to assist other souls in their lives and world. Once an individual soul becomes familiar with the state of consciousness that they need to manifest, than manifestation will begin to occur in their lives. In the old testament of the bible, Moses multiplied and manifested many different things to convince the Egyptian Pharaoh to let the people of Israel go into their God given freedom. And of course there are many places in the bible where food, water, money and other things were manifested as also
in the earthly ministry of Jesus, according to the need at the time.
Since the very beginning, all of our needs have been supplied by pure God being and they are always all supplied from within us, our own Divine inner being within us. If we have lost the
ability or Divine level of consciousness to manifest something, than we will
have to struggle, work and sweat for these things like other souls caught in
the trap of the density of this natural world.
After our great fall into the density of this natural world, we lost our ability to access what we needed through our own Divine Presence within us and as a result we created the ego and used the limited resources of the natural world to replace God in our lives. However we found that providing our needs through the natural world of ego was very unreliable. However we continued desperately to make it all work, even resorting to the eating of animal flesh, but always eventually found ourselves in great trouble and suffering again. We will all eventually
discover that we had given up the spiritual or the easy way to obtain what we
need and created a way to supply needs in the natural world, apart from
accessing pure God being for what we need.
The Divine being within us or our higher self has the supernatural ability to supply all of our needs abundantly, however we must seek this Divine source to be any real benefit to us. We must also be teachable and willing to change, this includes new concepts, new
ideas, new understanding and new thinking, feeling and actions. Our individual
consciousness will activate our inner Divine Presence on our behalf to deliver us and set us free and to supply everything that we will ever need within our four lower bodies, our souls, our minds, our emotions, our bodies, our actions and even our lives and world.
If we choose to look for all of the answers to all of our needs and trust in the natural world of ego on the outside of us, we will continue in suffering, lack and shortage for as long as we choose this direction in life, for as many embodiments that we desire. The answers for us, were never in the ego based natural world, but we sometimes desperately still try to find happiness and abundance in the natural world of form. We are deceived into
thinking that the natural world can supply our needs. This can only be possible on a temporary basis, for our true supply of all that is good, or
Divine perfection, only comes from pure God being, always has and always will. Search as you will, you will
never find the fulfillment that you are looking for in anything in the natural
world of form, ever. Any of our past lives in physical embodiment, that we
spent totally in the ego based natural world, only served to remind us of what
we don't want and will hopefully awaken us to Divine life and Divine living.
If souls choose to live a life of duality or in the illusion of being separated from God, it will only produce destruction, suffering and death. There is no other possible outcome, however if we, as souls, choose to return to our source, pure God being, all of our needs will be supplied, in our best interest, eternally, not just temporarily. Not only our needs, but our wants and desires are all available within pure God being. However they must be within the will of Divine and not outside the will of God, in the illusions of the natural world of ego.
Always seek pure God within you, the benefits are out of this world.