The basic foundation for discerning what is truth, is understanding that all conceived truth needs the foundation of Divine unconditional love to be clear & expanded truth that becomes a reality…. Unconditional love is the product of Divine purity & understanding…. Real Divine truth will not make sense to any soul who does not operate in unconditional Divine love…. Human love always has conditions, limitations & restrictions & under certain natural conditions of the natural world, it will die…. Divine unconditional love is freedom, wisdom & power & is what allows the opening for truth to come in & abide….
Any restrictions, conditions or limitations of the natural world, within a soul, will distort the truth as truth is a product of true unconditional love, freedom & clarity…. Any kind of selfishness blocks true Divine love within a soul will also distort the complete truth that could otherwise abide there….
Unconditional love brings with it your freedom & Divine truth about anything you can imagine or think about any subject or thought or feeling within your consciousness, the Divine wants you to know the truth about everything…. The only blockage to Divine freedom & Divine truth is you, get out of the way….
All truth is parallel, it all leads in the same direction and that direction is total unconditional love, with its purity, forgiveness, goodness, perfection, unity & oneness to become a self-sustaining creation…. If any information leads in one positive or constructive direction & then into a negative or destructive direction you can be sure that it is not pure Divine truth…. All aspects of Divine truth lead to the same destination of God wholeness & God perfection…. To confirm truth, all truth will always support itself in personal experience….
All truth is very simple to understand, it is never complicated, what is complicated is what the ego of the natural world makes of it…. God & the Kingdom of God always operate in simplistic forms of common sense, nothing is ever complicated…. When things appear to get complicated the lower human nature is likely involved and it will likely be truth mixed with delusions of the ways of the natural world…. The building blocks of the entire universe are very simple, once it is understood…. The same process of creation is duplicated over & over to expand creation into more of God throughout the Universe….
Divine interaction between souls, whether in the Ascended reality or in the natural physical world of form that we live in, is all simple with pure honesty & benevolent intentions & actions…. When lies & deception of the natural world come in, that is what creates complications with interactions between souls…. Then things are not simple anymore, everything then is complicated in obscurity…. When we can read minds & feelings, that will no longer be a problem & things will be very simple….
All truth is very practical and makes perfect common sense and supports itself in all possible directions & circumstances…. God & the Kingdom of God have designed all things in creation in a very practical way, when it is properly understood…. Why would God, with a clear sense of Divine wisdom want to create anything that is complicated…. It is only complicated when viewed from a lower human point of view…. God has unlimited viewing points & so can we, through humility, purity & effort towards Divine being & Divine living….
All facets of truth fit together like pieces of a puzzle, to give the complete picture of what life is about…. If your viewing point has holes or is not complete in any way, you do not have the fullness of Divine truth…. Truth can be found in many different areas of life & must all fit together as an over-all complete viewing point to be Divine truth & then the puzzle is complete and we become peaceful & satisfied….
Divine purity is essential for understanding truth as there must be a pure & clear foundation to understand all truth…. Purity means that there are no more entanglements of the natural world to interfere with Divine truth in the mind & feeling world…. We must first get our house in order, our house being the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is our perceptions, processing, thinking, feeling, body & actions…. Divine purity produces clear thinking, feeling & action and it all starts with our desire for more of God in our life & worlds….
Without humility, pride will always put blinders on the real truth, because pride is personally selfish & if you put yourself first, you are instantly out of Divine love & humility as they are based on service of others, not service of self….
Humility says I do not have the answers, please give me the answers, I have tried to figure things out from a human perspective, bit it doesn`t work, it only produces suffering….
Humility says, now I am ready for Divine intervention in my being, life & world, please give me the truth, that I may become & live Divinely….
You will never solve your problems by human or natural means, only the Divine can solve all problems & make all things right in Divine unconditional love & peace….
Unless you are surrendered to God or Divine Being, you will not comprehend truth as the attachments & addictions to the natural world of form will cause limitations & conditions and will always obscure any possibility of complete Divine truth….
Surrender means giving yourself to the Divine world to assist you in overcoming all obstacles & difficulties within you & in your life and this includes all attachments & addictions to the natural world….
Divine truth will be a result of surrendering to the greater will within you…. God does not want you to surrender because He needs your time & worship, He wants you to surrender for your own good, to focus on the Divine world & draw in all the help you will ever need & learn how to create self-sustaining life for the future, without strife & destruction or any kind of negativity….
Divine aspirations, Divine desires, nobility and the fulfilling of your Divine plan of life, will be the result of humility & surrender to the Divine way of life….
The Great, Great silence is where all life & power come from, the Great potential of God Being to act…. All energy for creation comes from the void, the Great, Great silence, it is just a different kind of energy that science has not discovered yet and this Divine energy provides all energy & power for all creation….
It is the source of the energy for all spiritual creation & life & all physical life & creation, it is the source of all there is, it is God Absolute…. In meditation souls can connect with the Great, Great Silence & draw to themselves Divine truth, the answers to all of their questions and everything they need, want or desire in their lives….
Absolute God Being in the Great, Great silence is willing to commune with you and share with you the mysteries of life and of the Universe, are you willing to become & live Divinely????