Why is it that animals, that are considered
to be much lower intelligence than human beings on earth, many times appear to
be much more intelligent than humans.
Many native Indians are able to predict the
weather many months in advance by reading the signs of nature. How does nature
know these things and why do human beings not know these things in advance. For
example, an older & wiser native Indian will see the bees, in the summer,
are making their nests very high in the trees and by this sign, he can predict
that the coming winter will have very deep snow. How do these bees, that have
brains the size of a pin head, figure all of these things out and we, the
dominant human species, don´t have a clue about what the future weather
conditions will be like.
Elephants, one of the largest creatures in
nature, can find a water source that may be 200 miles away, when they have need
of it and the leader of the group will lead them directly to the watering hole
without any delays. A human being in that situation would not have a clue and
would likely go the wrong way & die of thirst. These are very strange
things, when a human being cannot match the intelligence or the directional
ability of an elephant.
Many large herd animals can find a new food
source, when the existing food source runs low. They often need to travel
hundreds of miles to find a new food source or they will all perish. They do
these things very quickly & very directly, by a means that we, as humans do
not understand. Why are these animals smarter than humans, in most cases a
human being would not have a clue of where to hunt for more food sources?
Big game hunters often are very puzzled by
different things that happen before or during regular hunting seasons. They
will sometime scout out areas to hunt, before the hunting season actually
starts. They will drive to an area of the country that they think might be good
for big game hunting. When they are there, they see much game that would be perfect
for the next hunt. Two weeks later when the hunting season begins they go back
to the same area, where they know there are animals in abundance as they had
previously seen it with their own eyes. But now, when they return to the same
area, game for the hunt are not to be seen anywhere, this has puzzled many
hunters & they marvel at how the big game animals knew that they were
coming and went to another area. Why are these big game animals more
intelligent than human beings?
The migration habits and sometimes habit
changes of birds, animals and fish are happening all over the planet, all of
the time. It is always for the purpose of survival, whether it be food, water
or their own reproduction of the species, where does this intelligence come
from, how can they do all of these things, none of these animals are as
intelligent as human beings, yet they perform feats that we, as human beings,
have to marvel at, when we see it.
A tracking dog can follow a scent of a
person anywhere, under any conditions. They have tried swimming down river for
a long ways, but that still does not stop the dog from tracking them. They have
tried burning the fields after the person passes through and they still could
not stop the dog from tracking them. They tried formaldehyde and many other
things, but the dog still tracks them perfectly. A dog can also sniff out drugs
and many other different substances for different security and police work. How
is it that a dog can do these incredible things and a human being can`t, what
is going on here.
People do things that cause destruction,
suffering and may take their own lives in the end. People all over the planet,
still continue to smoke cigarettes that now have a warning on the package, that
it will likely make you sick and kill you, but still they persist in going down
the path of destruction. The dangers of smoking are now well known in the
medical field and they pass this information on to the public, but still people
choose to go down that path of destruction, & even joke about the fact that
they know it will kill them. Wow, you would never catch an animal eating or
breathing something that was not good for them. If they smell something they
don´t like in the air, they just simply move to another location, but human
beings, not only don´t run away from the dangerous substance, they sometimes
flock to it.
Drugs & alcohol are known to kill brain
cells, cause many different malfunctions of the body and very often cause death
through destruction to the body and other accidents that are caused from the
loss of certain motor skills and balance. But here we are on the 21st
century and we have multitudes of people worldwide embracing these toxic
substances as if there were no danger at all & yet they know better, but
refuse to give them up, they would rather suffer & die doing these things
that they like to do.
Animals would not purposely ingest any
substance that is not good for them and they know what is good for them &
what is not and they would never be tempted to take in anything that was not
good for them, it is as simple as that.
Many people like excitement and many
dangerous sports and other dangerous hobbies and ventures that threaten their
lives, every time they do it and yet we all read about their accidents, their
suffering and deaths due to these very dangerous habits or hobbies. An animal
will never take an unnecessary risk when they are in their particular
environment, why can animals figure these things out, when we as human beings,
can´t figure these things out and respond appropriately. People`s hobbies &
sports are apparently more important than their safety & comfort and even
more important than protecting their lives. How come that just the animals can
figure this all out, but we, as human beings, keep purposely destroying
ourselves, go figure.
Why are animals, with smaller brains than
us, able to avert all of this destruction, just by making more quality
decisions, but we, as human beings don´t get it. Why can´t we make these more
reasonable, more intelligent & quality decisions to save ourselves from
destruction. Why don´t we get it, why can´t we stop doing these things that
destroy ourselves.
Maybe we should do a study on why animals
can make quality decisions for themselves & why we as human beings are
unable to accomplish this and we continue to suffer. Maybe we should study the
animals and figure out why they are able to make very consistent & quality
decisions for themselves & their families and humans are unable to make
reasonable decisions.
From the spiritual octive of life, the
answers to all of these questions, are always available to us, if we are
willing to ask for the knowledge & understanding, in humility &
surrender to the greater will within us.
Animals all have elementals or nature
spirits that give them life, beat their hearts, keep their bodies breathing and
enable the brain functions & body functions. All of these animals have very
small brains and do not have a lot of capabilities, do not have an expanded
vision, but they do know how to follow the greater will within them and if on
occasions some do not follow that inner leading, they will likely suffer &
die, the same as we do, when we choose not to follow our own inner leading on
Even trees & plants have these nature
spirits that give them life, cause them to grow & expand and to reproduce
after their kind. We will all eventually
understand that nothing that is alive can be alive & function as a part of
life, without self conscious animation of their being, support & direction
from a capable self conscious being in the higher Divine realms of existence.
These beings are very intelligent, they have the expanded knowledge and viewing
point of pure God being and they are able to sustain, guide & direct
intelligent life on earth. The higher spiritual beings do these things through receiving
direction & manipulation of Divine energy that they receive from the sun in
our system of worlds.
We as humans, after we all fell into the
density of this physical world, we lost all of these higher capabilities of
receiving & controlling Divine energy and creating Divine creations,
through Divine love. We all began to create human creations that were only
temporary and had no eternal or self sustaining qualities to them. We have been
in this lower world condition for a very long time and now might be a good time
to return to our roots, our rightful heritage as Divine spiritual beings that
live forever. Living forever will be much nicer in the higher realms of
existence, rather than in this natural world of suffering, destruction &
death, which is all only human created temporary illusions of who we think we
are, rather than who we really are in true reality.
Then maybe we can again become more
intelligent than the animals, have a full Divine viewing point & live in Divine
unconditional love and become the co-creators with God, that we all were in the
very beginning of our own creation. All of the information that we will ever
need is accessible right within us, we all have an individual divine being,
above us and within us, to guide us & protect us & supply all of the
needed information that we will ever need in this life on earth.
We can be smarter than the animals and we
can be & do marvelous things, if we are willing to acknowledge our higher
divine self within us, in humility surrender to this higher divine self within
us, make the necessary effort to become divine or perfect ourselves.
To the degree that you are willing to make
this effort, will you become spiritually successful….