Sunday, January 25, 2015


I Am, the Master of the ocean for planet earth and I have a tremendous divine love for the beautiful souls embodied on earth, also for the oceans of course and for the entire planet. I Am a part of the water element on earth, we all work in unity with the other elements and all receive our power from the fire element. We work hard to maintain perfection & balance on planet earth in the midst of the negative energy that human beings create. 
We are a water store house for your planet, a very important part to your survival as a species on earth. We are very happy to perform this work, however you could make everything much easier for us, by creating more positive energy, to assist in purifying your planet and world.
The planet that you have been allowed to embody on is a very beautiful planet and you are very privileged to be allowed to embody here. You have qualified to embody here, you had to have a certain required amount of spiritual attainment to embody here as the density of this physical environment is very low and could possible destroy a soul who is not spiritually prepared for this low density condition on earth.

You souls, who are embodied here, are responsible for the condition of this planet, since you have promised to properly qualify the divine energy that is flowing through you, while you are here. However many souls have fallen into the density of this natural world and have only served to bring in more density to the planet, by pulling others down, instead of their commitment to assist other souls in attaining more spirituality. This has brought the planet very low in qualified energy and has caused much destruction on earth.

The negativity on your planet must be re-qualified into higher vibrations of divine energy, regardless of how long it might take to raise the planet back into its divine purity. The good news is that all things on the planet are increasing into more of divine energy and the higher vibrational souls who are pulling their brothers & sisters and the planet itself, into a higher state of existence, are succeeding in their efforts to restore all souls and the planet itself into a higher state of being.

Total destruction of the earth, which was possible at an earlier time in earth history, is now, never going to happen, and that is very wonderful news for the inhabitants of earth. The spiritual state of the earth is increasing very rapidly now and will continue to purify as more souls are awakened to their spiritual identity and begin to assist in the process of purification. There will be many new ideas, concepts and inventions given to the earth to help in the purification process, even as there are many in motion now.
Don´t ever think for one minute that anything of destruction is not reversible, because everything that is created through miss-qualification of divine energy is always reversible. However man, is not capable on his own, to purify the earth, but the higher beings of light, like myself, are very capable of reversing all damage, created by non-awakened souls on planet earth. We, who created the physical world of form, are quite capable of repairing it.
However, cosmic law will not allow us to repair the damage, directly, it all must happen at the request of souls who are presently in embodiment on earth. There is nothing too difficult for us to do, however we will only work within the guidelines of divine Cosmic law. This divine law says that purification must be requested by the beings who originally created the density and that they, the souls, must make the needed effort towards purification. We cannot restore the planet without a request from a soul or souls in embodiment to do so, and are willing to make the effort to make it all happen. The requests and effort have not been made to a great enough extent yet and that is the only reason that the planet is not perfectly purified today.

You must stop the creation of more density of energy and the pollution of your planet, your home, for the benefit of yourselves and for the benefit of your total family on earth. We cannot do things for you, however we can certainly do things through you, when the requests for assistance are made. You will need to do this spiritually, desiring a better future and by making the calls to us for assistance. This must be won spiritually before you will ever see it manifest in the physical world of form.

All of, what you call the serious problems on earth, are totally reversible. The existing pollution is fully reversible; however the purification must be attained spiritually, before you will ever see it materialize in the physical world. The awakening of all the souls on the entire planet must happen spiritually, by souls in embodiment, before you will ever see it materialize physically, within the physical world. There are no serious problems from a spiritual perspective, only from a natural or lower perspective. In the spiritual realm there are not big problems and small problems on planet earth, there are only what appears to be problems or temporary delays on earth, which is very easily corrected when the will of the souls in embodiment are in support and are willing to make the needed effort to resolve the issues that threaten physical existence. Truly, there is nothing that threatens spiritual existence and therefore, nothing should threatening you or your planet.

Pollution, the ozone and even over-population are all resolvable issues if souls are willing to make the effort & make the calls & requests to the higher beings of light on a daily basis until things are resolved. Global warming that you see as a problem, is not a problem, it is the super natural correction on the planet that will bring better weather world wide, this is because the earth is raising in vibration. It must be understood that souls must be willing to purify themselves first; and then make the efforts to purify the environment around them. 

This is the only blockage to the purification of all things. Many souls, even many awakened souls, do not want to cooperate with their own purification, of themselves before they attempt to assist others and the planet. This therefore, is the greatest obstacle to complete purification. There is never a shortage of divine power, it is always a shortage of cooperation from souls who want the Divine light. Unfortunately, many of these souls also want to hold on to old habits, attachments and addictions of their past. Then they want to take these habits and attachments with them into more spirituality. This will not happen, this will never happen, how could it. Do not fool yourselves, spirituality and density are moving in different directions, if it were not true, there would be no possibility of escape from the density of the natural world.

Truly there is escape from the density of the natural world, and this is only accomplished by those beings, who are willing to let go of the attachments to the natural world and embrace forever the freedom that is offered by the spiritual world. That is the only true power that exists. There is only temporary happiness & satisfaction possible in the natural world, while there is permanent happiness & satisfaction in the spiritual world. You will make your choices on which is the most important to you and you will serve that. This will be your life until you know better; and then make the required effort of cooperation for a better life.

You are very beautiful beings and the divine is right within you for quick access, but the divine world cannot get involved in the density of the natural world, so if you choose to go there, you must go alone & you must be willing to bear the consequences that come with those choices that eventually cause more suffering. We, as the ascended host want to help you but we need your agreement & cooperation to do so, that is the world of free will and we must respect that choice. Even if we do not agree with that choice, we must allow you to learn your own lessons so you will never have to revisit that particular density again, once you have overcome the temptations of the natural world.    

Therefore we continue to encourage you, to inspire you and admonish you to work with us to get your house in order, which means to clean up & restore your being & world to the divine purity that you were originally created in. The experience here on earth has been good for you, the tremendous contrast has helped you to expand in consciousness and become very unique individual beings with much experience in living in the natural world. You have learned many valuable lessons about choosing your path of life in the midst of many possible scenarios. You have developed a self awareness of your own being and you have developed much experience in living with the five senses in physical embodiment.

However, now is the time to clean up your consciousness, your lives and worlds from all of the attachments & addictions to the natural world and choose to come home. To your real home, not made physically with hands but made with pure divine being, that is incorruptible rather than corruptible, as the natural physical world exists today. Now is the time for you to make the clear decisions to regain your rightful place in the Kingdom of God and take your experience with you into eternal divine life and eternal divine living and leave behind the suffering of the natural world forever. You were never created for suffering; you were created for the best of everything, that is where you belong, all of you.

If you propose in your desire, to purify yourself, purify your desires and perceptions, your thoughts, feeling & actions, purify your world of consciousness, purify your life and purify your planet and be willing to make the necessary effort, then you will receive magnificent support from your family in the higher levels of divine light to ensure your success in the completion of the best dream in life, that of divine perfection.

When you get to divine life & divine living, you will realize that this place is what you were originally made for and you will enjoy the full benefits of divine living forever.