This is a discourse on the loving
appeal by the Ascended Spiritual realm of pure God Being, for awakened souls to
please help to save the earth from the negative influence of human beings that
do not know better and are attempting to force the earth into further density.
They are creating more negative energy and sending it out into the atmosphere,
thereby creating vortexes of negative energy that becomes very dense in certain
specific areas on earth.
The Ascended realm and the earth
then must find ways to annihilate & re-qualify this negative energy and
thereby assist in bringing the earth back into Divine harmony & balance. These
negative energy vortexes then generate an extreme degree of negative energy in
one particular area which in turn causes, what is known as natural disasters.
Then, as a result the so called natural disaster dispels the negative energy
and re-qualifies the negative energy back into pure Divine energy again, that
can be re-used in positive ways. At a future time on earth, souls will eventually
be able to maintain harmony on planet earth and return planet earth to her
original pristine perfection.
Please help to save your brothers
& sisters on earth from their own human created delusions of what life
should be like on earth. We need to awaken the human beings from the delusion
of justifying their negative creations, through free will, which ensures that
negativity stays on earth as an alternative option to living Divinely. Save
them from their own self-created suffering that is totally unnecessary, if they
understood more of what life is really about. Please help us to save them from
their apparent need to find pathways of life that are outside the true protective
will of pure God Being. Please help us
to bring in the real truth that will set them really free.
Nothing from the human perspective
has ever blessed anyone on earth without monotonous repetition with no long
term fulfillment or satisfaction in the end. Please help to save the souls on
earth from judgment, condemnation, hatred, anger and violence upon themselves
and others. Save them from indifference, rejection, discrimination, division, unbelief,
doubt, fear, loneliness, depression & many other self inflicted ways of
creating more suffering and destruction of souls on earth.
Please assist us in bringing into
souls on earth, belief & faith in higher ways of being & doing things, to
believe in themselves & others. The consciousness of Divine unconditional
love, unconditional forgiveness, unconditional acceptance, unity or oneness, non-discrimination,
non-judgment, will help to bring in the living of a more constructive life
style for individual souls.
We, as the Ascended Host, can
easily assist all souls on earth with the calls, prayers & decrees from
awakened souls in embodiment; this is all governed by Cosmic law. There are
billions of souls presently living on planet earth, it would be literally
impossible for enlightened soul beings on earth to reach all of these souls,
one on one or even in groups as the numbers are so much greater at this time. The
good news is that the enlightened ones on earth don´t have to reach them
personally through physical means. There are much better and much more
effective & unlimited ways of initiating the enlightenment of souls
You need to understand that we as
the Ascended host do not need your physical presence or verbal communication,
in the process of awakening souls to their spiritual heritage. All souls in
physical embodiment are presently imperfect or they would not still be in physical
embodiment. We do not need your human abilities to convince other souls of the
existence of God or the Kingdom of God, only God being within them can do that.
If you are in tune with your inner God Presence, you can be a channel for the
Divine being within you to awaken souls in your world of connections, however
it should never be by force, never against their free wills.
They only need encouragement to seek God through their own being to find the truth and the answers that they are searching for within their own being. To give them human created outer doctrines, traditions & regulations will only create more confusion within them and this will have to be overcome at a later time, so you can see this would not be the best for them. Teach them not to follow the human created physical world of traditions, doctrines & regulations, but to follow their own directions within them that are from their inner God presence and you would have done them a world of good.
They only need encouragement to seek God through their own being to find the truth and the answers that they are searching for within their own being. To give them human created outer doctrines, traditions & regulations will only create more confusion within them and this will have to be overcome at a later time, so you can see this would not be the best for them. Teach them not to follow the human created physical world of traditions, doctrines & regulations, but to follow their own directions within them that are from their inner God presence and you would have done them a world of good.
From a Divine perspective
everything works through Divine love. Your love for your brothers and sisters
on earth, to the degree that you would be willing to take the time and make the
effort to intercede for them in prayer, calls and decrees. This is all quite
sufficient to cause the Ascended spiritual realm to intervene and bring in more
light to the denser souls on planet earth. Only in this way can the souls of
earth, return to their spiritual heritage in mass amounts that would make it
possible to reach them all in a reasonable amount of time.
Every soul on earth, has within
them, their own I Am God Presence, which has unlimited capabilities and ways to
work. Their God Presences' know the individual souls better than anyone else, including their human
selves. As a result a souls inner God Presence knows exactly what is needed in
the individual souls being, world & experience. The inner God Presence of
the individual soul knows whether it is the correct time to be enlightened in
perception, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, revelation or simply what the
most important next step in their spiritual development would be. The
individual inner God Presence also knows how and when to deliver the necessary
assistance that would bring the greatest result in a short period of time. The
personal God Presence of individual souls is not limited by time & space
and operates consistently in God perfection and does not make mistakes, unlike
the human being trapped in the human physical world.
You, the physical soul in physical
embodiment, are not capable of assisting yourselves, much less assisting others
that you do not understand fully. Much damage to souls can be caused by souls
towards one another who do not have the full truth, or greater Divine light and
Divine balance, to pass on to others. It would be wise for you, not to take on
more than you are capable of handling. You souls in embodiment all have your
Divine inner God Presence that you can fully trust and rely upon for all of
your needs, whether they are spiritual, mental, emotional, physical or social.
There is no distance in the spirit world;
physical distance is only a human created illusion. It may seem to be more
difficult to assist other souls on the other side of the world than to assist
a soul that is in your physical presence, but we can assure you that, that
concept is untrue, for the spirit world is all one. You can contact one another,
through your individual I Am God Presence just as easy, at whatever distance
they may be from your physical presence. Now you should be able to see how easy
it is to intercede for your brothers & sisters on earth. This is done by
simply directing your prayers, requests, calls & decrees for assistance, to
an individual soul, groups of souls or large groups of souls like Cities &
Countries anywhere on earth. You can direct these requests for assistance through
your I Am God Presence, to the I Am God Presence of any soul or souls on Planet
earth & thus the Pure God Presence in all will ensure that the request is
answered, not from a human perspective, but from a Divine perspective in
perfect time, in the perfect place & in perfect harmony with all life. When
you make these prayers, calls or decrees to free your brothers & sisters of
the world, you will be creating good karma for yourselves as well as creating
more pathways of light for yourselves. Sixty percent of these good things that
you send out to others, stays with yourself, so you are the receiver of as much as
your intention of love towards others.
As the Ascended host for planet
earth, we are governed under Cosmic law and Cosmic law is always very clear to
us and we never violate it under any perceived conditions or circumstances.
Souls on earth, by the action of their own free wills, freely chose to descend
into the density of the natural world of form on earth and so to return to their
original home in the light, they will need to use that same effort to free
themselves and others from the clutches of the natural world of ego self. Any
efforts made towards the light by any souls in embodiment will be multiplied
and supported by all of the Ascended beings that are governing this planet that you
call earth. Governing Cosmic law will not allow us to intervene in the human
struggle on earth, unless the invitation is sent out by a soul or souls who are
presently in embodiment. Whether the request is sent out on behalf of the soul
itself or on the behalf of another, the prayer or mental & emotional
request will be answered, to the degree it was sent out. Obviously the amount
of mental & emotional energy, strength, desire, belief, faith & expectation
will affect when & how strong and how fast the answer to the request will
Now you should truly understand & clearly see that we, the Ascended host are always patiently
awaiting your calls to God Being for assistance & then we can freely
provide this assistance to the individual soul, souls, situations or
circumstances. Your prayers or decrees of blessing, deliverance & freedom
for your brothers and sisters on earth, that are consciously made to Pure God
Being, are being answered by the Divine world. Be assured that we respond
quickly & efficiently to a soul or souls in embodiment, who are
interceding on behalf of other souls on planet earth. We can assure you that
nothing is ever done for the souls on earth unless a soul or souls in present
embodiment, make the call to Pure God Being, to assist other souls in
embodiment. Cosmic law cannot be broken, we can assure you of that fact.
Everything works through free will, either the free will call of a soul for
itself or for others.
The call for the benefit of others is
totally unselfish and these calls are answered swiftly and powerfully, they are
the most powerful calls or prayers on earth. Personal prayers for ones self can
sometimes be mixed with lower density selfishness and therefore not as swift,
effective and powerful as prayers or requests for others would be.
Please, dear souls of earth, please
intercede on behalf of your brothers and sisters on earth. Ask for their
Spiritual awakening to their real spiritual self within them, ask for their
deliverance from doubt & fear and their freedom from the attachments and
addictions of the natural world. Ask for their spiritual enlightenment. Ask for
their teaching and instruction from their inner God Presence within them and
from the Ascended Host, as well as other enlightened souls in embodiment.
Believe me, dear ones; the world of
Divine does not need your human created variation of spiritual teaching and
instruction to your brothers and sisters in embodiment. God being, within the
individual soul is quite capable of teaching and directing souls on earth about
Divine spiritual things. All souls have their own individual Divine Presence
within them to teach, guide and protect them. Very honestly dear souls, for the
most part, you do not understand enough about the higher Divine ways of life,
to determine what is best for any new awakening souls. Most souls on earth have
enough problems discovering their own needs & their own best directions in
life, much less the needs and directions of others. Beloved children of the most high, please
leave the individual teaching and needs of the individual soul to God being,
within that soul. They do not need teachings that are thousands of years old
and out of date, they need the living word of God within them and for them,
that will give them good teaching for this present time on earth.
Rather, please concentrate on
interceding for your brothers and sisters on earth, sending loving thoughts and
feelings, to your brothers and sisters worldwide. Make loving calls and prayer requests
to God and the Ascended beings of light that do the spiritual work, to give
assistance in whatever ways and means that you possible could imagine. Ask Pure
God Being to give you the special calls, prayers, decrees or requests that are
appropriate for doing this spiritual work daily. Be determined to take your
life back from the human created illusions of the natural world and take back
your countries and take back your world from the oppressors, the abusers, the
destructive ones, that will abuse any authority that is given to them. The
lovely souls of earth must not continue to allow the dark, lower density ones to
rule on your planet.
The individual souls living in
humility and surrendered to their own individual inner God Presence will take
back planet earth and place it as an offering to Pure God Being as it is all
brought into line with Divine will. The lower density beings have always taken
the heavenly things by force and always will, until they are stopped by the
lovely souls who know better. You, as souls in embodiment, are not able to stop
these things from the human perspective, but with Divine assistance, all things
are possible. Remember, nothing is ever done for you, by the Divine world, that
is not done through you. Please take your world back and bring it under the
guidance of God being. The power to do this is readily available to you, please
recognize this and please be willing to make the honest effort. If you are
waiting for God to do it all apart from you, it will never happen, but with God
working through you, all things are possible and many wonderful things will
Cosmic law, that rules this system
of worlds, will only allow Divine beings to work through souls in embodiment,
to make a better world. Do these calls, prayers, decrees or requests on behalf
of other souls or even better to organize your selves into groups and do the
spiritual work together, which multiplies the results. See what happens when
groups of souls make requests to God being, for other souls and the requests
are in harmony with Pure God Being, the Kingdom of God goes into action. And if
those calls for the light continue, all will be accomplished for the glory of
God and the beautiful souls on earth. The souls on earth will be enlightened
and set free, there is no other possible outcome. Take your world back and be
free. This has always been available to souls in embodiment on earth, but very
few have understood it and have taken advantage of the privilege.
Again, you need to know that there
is no distance in the spirit world, the appearance of distance is only a human created
illusion. You can intercede for any other soul or souls on earth effectively,
whether they are with you physically or whether they are on the other side of
the planet. If you are interceding for an individual soul, it is better to have
the name and birth date if possible, if it is an area or group of souls, you
only need the name of the area or country. You can send souls anything that you
choose to send, through your own inner God Presence to the inner God Presence
of any individual souls or group souls on planet earth. All Ascended God Beings
are one, the Kingdom of God is one, God Being is one, all souls are one, all that
is, is one.
Please never allow in your being or
world, the lower temptation to criticize, judge, condemn, attack or think, and feel
or speak negativity towards another soul, other organizations or groups of
souls. Never allow anything unkind, unloving or even unacceptance to be sent out
from your being towards any other soul or souls on earth. If you could see this
from the higher realm, you would never allow another negative, thought,
feeling, word or action to come through your being towards another brother or
sister, anywhere on the planet. This is so very important, dear ones, you have
heard about sowing & reaping, you have heard, that which goes around, comes
around, most souls in embodiment understand these spiritual laws, but very few
take them serious enough, to stop these destructive cycles of sending out
destructive energy on earth. Please stop these destructive cycles of energy
that only bring more suffering for all.
In the very beginning of your
coming to earth, you were all asked to take your dominion of yourself first and
then the rest of the earth by learning to create with pure Divine energy, only.
This Divine fiat went out and still needs to be fulfilled. The world is your
footstool, what will you do?
You could help save yourself and
leave the others to their own destruction, but that would not be Divine love and
compassion in action. You could save yourself and maybe a few others, but that
would not be full unconditional Divine love or Divine compassion in action
either. Or you could make the effort to help save all souls on the planet and
see what that brings forth. The choice is always yours, your own free will, let
us love, respect & forgive all of our brothers and sisters on earth and
make a great effort to bring all into the light of God, that never fails &
bring everyone home to Divine victory and Divine living forever.
You have everything that you need
to assist other souls & the planet itself, planet earth will and most
definitely, eventually come into Divine dominion through Divine love, wisdom
& power operating in and through the individual souls in embodiment.
We can make Spiritual Golden Cities
for the benefit of all and thereby bless all souls continuously.
All things are possible, will you
make the effort????